
Hailing a cab - should not involve falling like hail.

@homernoy: It sucks. They've been funny with the glorious master PC gaming race ever since Hot Coffee.

@Nitesh!: I think you're right in that it could probably look as good as the PS3, but not actually be as technically powerful.

Was there much promotion for this game?

I've often worn a pair of jeans for a very long time. The material is thick, and it's not like your legs can get sweaty and horrible like armpits do.

@Nitesh!: I don't think anyone doubts the possibility. It's just that, hell, you'd probably need an atomic battery to power such a device.

@fuchikoma: That's an excellent point: They are dust in the wind in the first place.

Damn. May is going to be one hell of a month for games.

lol at Chatroulette.

I have a feeling this game will fall victim to unreasonable hype and incessent comparisons to today's shooters.

@godmodeON: Are you honestly comparing CoD to Duke Nukem?

@blaaps: Ah, I have that disc. So awesome.


I disagree with New Vegas. Hell, that game has invisible barriers in the middle of the freaking map.

I believe it was confirmed ages ago that Link's Awakening and Super Mario Land will have 3D effects. So presumably virtual console games will receive all manner of 3D trickery.

Is that an XXXL DSi stylus in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

I'm just amazed Nintendo hasn't got at least one killer first-party title at launch. It's so unlike them not to at least have... something.

@acm23: I didn't know about that. Thanks for the tip. That sounds like it could be very useful indeed.