What the hell do you have against the sun?!?
What the hell do you have against the sun?!?
One of the most disgusting aspects of all this is watching worthless cunts like Joe&Mika pretend they weren’t the OG cheerleaders for our Orange Overlord.
Yeah for all his bluster he’s a fucking coward.
Not as much of a dick as my DM once awarding a Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity ...
I know Dems like myself are stoked about the coming Blue Wave this Fall but we’re going to end up with probably a slim to moderate majority that will be plagued by Blue Dog Dems like this. We’ll have to constantly woo them out of their center-right burrows just to get them to vote progressively one time out of four.
I remember a similar argument from a friend about universal health care. He was a right wing radio listener (but nice guy) and suggested that a system of universal health care would get abused by ‘illegal aliens.” So I countered with “So you would deny universal health care to 200 million people because 10,000 might…
That gets my vote. Look at the previous women he’s ‘had affairs’ with (thrown money at to bone). There aren’t many women in that building as attractive as a Stormy Daniels or Karen McDougal. So that narrows it down a bit...
Raccoons lack a particular muscle that we possess that make thumbs opposable and more than just extra fingers.
I don’t know. With seats as narrow as they are now I’m not sure you could wear Depends and still fit.
I think the snap will cause the resignation but I’ve also thought something similar before — that the next day he’ll be calling into Fox & Friends to talk about all the wonderful things his administration did and they will all nod and join him in blaming Hillary Clinton for all of it.
I’m pretty sure this is why it was necessary to effectively give his son-in-law and daughter essentially the same clearances the President possesses. So that someone he trusts (and that’s almost certainly a small circle comprised of the fruit of his now hidden loins) can read the memos/briefs and then explain to him…
Sojourner Truth.
I thought maybe a copy of the pre-nup for safe keeping...
Me too and it sounds like ‘saddlebacking’ from a few years ago. Those crazy Christian kids are always trying to find a way around the ‘pre-marital sex = eternal damnation’ rule by redefining it as ‘not really sex.’
That look on his face is so predatory. Like he’s always looking out for his next victim...
Asians sure love robots. That do dance moves. And lights. And sex.
Democrats are constantly plagued by Blue Dogs that happily cross the aisle in crucial votes and have to be constantly feted for their support. It’s the only way we can eke out any majority. We’re not going to get a progressive liberal senator or representative out of Alabama. Or Mississippi. Or Georgia. Or Alaska. And…
My biggest beef with this trope when I see it (Battlestar Galactica I’m looking right the frak at you) is that these are not resources that can be replaced easily or really at all sometimes (Starfleet excepted). Someone would end up in front of Appropriations in Resistance Congress next time they wanted a big ship and…
“The 2018 Geo Corvette: Now with Four Cylinders”