
I was all set to yell and jump around about the part about not needing to clean the sleeve and then I kept reading and you were like, “but still, clean the sleeve” and I was like, “I will never doubt again.”

I was all set to yell and jump around about the part about not needing to clean the sleeve and then I kept reading

Sadly, not a manual. 

OMG, it’s half the value in excellent condition.

Oh don’t worry, I wasn’t about to offer full KBB value. 

I was going to quote that line as well. I promptly pulled up the KBB value, and let’s just say this guy probably shouldn’t be encouraging people to blue book his car. CP.

Crazy idea, stay with me here. Daimler should merge with …. FCA!

There’s no way in hell.

I’m not a Porsche enthusiast so if you are please correct me if I’m wrong about any of this. It’s based on just a few minutes of research. I’m really marginal on this one. It’s not a bad price for the market, maybe a little high, has pretty low mileage and has the Porsche badge on it. All good things.

This one on ebay looks to be in fairly good condition:

I have a fun Mt Rose highway story.

No one could ever have questioned your 2-wheeled street cred, but the fact that you commuted on an MB5 for over a year is goddamned legendary.

50cc’s of fury!


Former dealer service manager here (NYC, L.A., SF East Bay area). I can’t speak for Toyota policy but for the major brand I handled, knowingly selling any units for export out of the US was explicitly prohibited by our franchise contract. Selling multiples for that purpose was even more of a no-no. That didn’t stop it

A couple points: Tanks are quite expensive compared to a pickup. The extra weapons you get on a tank also use even more expensive ammo. Tanks also need a lot more specialized maintenance than a pickup. They generally use more crew, and that crew would need st least some specialized training. Last, a tank operating on

“No such thing as bad PR.”

I think Toyota secretly like that their trucks end up doing this sort of thing. What better ad is there for a LandCruiser? “The only truck tough enough for terrorists” “a truck so tough that militias wont bother tanks” you get the gist 

Have they figured out how this particular Toyota got into Terrorist hands?