Ronny T.

It's only called "Meet the Blacks" because Friedberg and Seltzer did a crappy movie called "Meet the Spartans" that came out around the time of 300 and Meet the Fockers — So the people making this just kind of mistakenly thought "Meet the x" has something to do with how you should name a spoof movie. It's insanely

The movie's title is even stupider than the review gives credit for. I'm pretty sure its called Meet the Blacks because of that 2008 Friedberg and Seltzer parody called Meet the Spartans that itself was only called that because Meet the Fockers had come out recently. So these people stupidly think this "Meet the x"

I love a good Bourne style jittery urban action thriller but I still haven't come to terms with the nauseating sexual politics of the first one. Neeson's daughter literally only survives long enough to be rescued because she's a virgin while her slutty friend — who tries to pressure her to let loose and have sex in

I love T&E dearly but there's a serious arrogance behind some of what they do — the belief that literally anything they can pull out of their ass in front of a camera is worth putting on the air. That was definitely the case with Bathroom Boys.

I just wish Scott could have put some kind of effort into developing more than the vaguest possible Saturday-morning-cartoon understanding of things like "DNA" "evolution" and "biology." He clearly thinks he's dealing those subjects with some kind of seriousness. Also, no biologist outside of a Kirk Cameron movie is

Seems like a classic case of "hyperbole" as typically taught in grade school English. There's a similar bit in The Wolf of Wall Street where Dicaprio says one of his buddies "can sell anything." ANYTHING? How does he think supply and demand works? what if the what you're selling has no viable market and costs way too

I knew somebody would bring up Cane Toads.

I never thought about how bizarre it is that frogs are one of the ten plagues of Egypt. Frogs are just about the most completely harmless animals imaginable as far as people are concerned. Not to mention they'd help out with the locusts and flies.

I swear these "conservative" pundit Jagoffs are all using some kind of identical Word template for taunting their enemies. This "I'll fly you out to x and pay your x and x and x and x if you (insert some dumbass "challenge" to read something to someone's face) is identical to what Glenn Beck said to the LA times

Spoilers for DOTPOTA: Was anyone else really miffed that we really ended up no closer to a "planet of the apes" at the end of the second prequel in a Planet of the Apes franchise. We got very brief glimpses of a Heston-esque Ape dominated hell-world when Koba seizes power but HE WAS DEFEATED pretty quickly and

I haven't seen the movie, and I can't tell if you're being facetious or not (internet dick nit-picking has become so pervasive with these smug CinemaSins type touting non-existent errors.) But the trailer makes that scene look like happier times before the war with humans, and if you remember the big breakout in the

I don't want to be "that guy," but we do all know that humans are apes right? So it's always the "Planet of the Apes" regardless of whether chimps or homo sapiens are in charge. How'd that be for an interesting angle/double meaning for the title?

What's worse about CinemaSins style nitpicking douchebaggery is that a huge percentage of the time what they point out are not even actual plot holes but just "stuff they don't like" or "little choices they (apparently) wouldn't have made" in telling the story. I stopped watching those videos when they counted the way

Someone on TV tropes had a great theory that the virus from the first film would somehow damage/destroy people's vocal chords since we saw it was affecting the upper respiratory tract.

"heroes in a half-shell" I've never understood that. Is it because the shell is almost a half-sphere? It's a full shell though, it's not half of a shell.