
A Halloween show might be a little too spooky actually. Fun's fun, but when we're talking about skellingtons and draculas it's hard to enjoy music in that environment.

Apparently George Miller has different ideas about what constitutes a “continuous, two-hour Chase.”

yeah, there's clearly been some kind of unpleasantness, even if Scottabot is way too gracious to talk about it properly.

I'm only an occasional HH listener (I find it's easy to burn out on it) but I started using "speak on that" in conversation and laughing every time without realizing where it's from. It's the perfect ratio of awful:amusing.

There was definitely a weird tension following from it not working though, wheras Hanford's Lennon was just gleefully dumb.

At any point when you were writing this weird comment on a 7 year old review, a review written long before the writer you're criticizing even worked at this site, using the same set of conservative-parody cliche phrases like 'libtard' and 'feminazi' that you've used on about a dozen other FNL reviews, did you stop and

There's a great acknowledgement of their homogeneity on their site:

Without a hint of irony, Point Break is fantastic. It's all very silly, yes. But find me any other post-Die Hard action movie with such well drawn central characters, perfectly judged action sequences and strong (though idiosyncratic) performances. Bigelow directs action better than just about anybody, there's a

just allowing Bran to see Jon for that short time was pretty cathartic for me. This family was so much the heart of the show at the beginning, it's always going to be fairly emotional when their paths cross. (though it seems fairly unlikely they ever will in any meaningful way)

that bit could have lasted for the whole show and I wouldn't have cared, as long as it still had 'beg me'.