
The more of the storyline I played through, the less I wanted to continue the main quest. They did a pretty shitty job of conveying romantic tension between Aiden and Clara, so their interactions always came away feeling at best awkward, and at worst misogynistic. The gameplay was the bright spot, everything felt

I was going to write a big piece about how the entire system is corrupt because it's taking value from both athletes and students by creating the idea that athletics is more important than being a functioning human being, but you know what?

You win the day!

You wanna cover a dysfunctional basketball team? There's a team about 90 miles from NYC that has lost 21 basketball games in a row and nobody in the media even mentions it.

Done and done.

"I can see them from my house!"

Is it any surprise that the BBW Association of America would hand down a heavy penalty?

Even though Philly sold all their tickets, three of four Eagles fans will definitely be blacked out.

This mall's got everything

(watches game while also recording on DVR)

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Yes, yes, yes! Can we make this happen?


Native American History X