I was just thinking the same thing...
I was just thinking the same thing...
These are the Tron of Microwaves. If that makes sense. Probably not.
Fully appropriate. +1.
I'd like to Kubang that booth professional.
Also - If you have manual transmission, downshift and let your transmission do most of the braking for you. But be wary, doing so means you're not hitting the brake pedal/illuminating your brake lights, which means a jerk driver following too closely and not paying attention might end up in your trunk.
Thanks...thanks a lot...I can't stop scratching now...
Enter your details to be placed on the rendition list, er, we mean, connected to your member of Congress...yeah, that's the ticket....
Don't stop....Believin'!
Pictured - "Thar She Tebows!"
This is the Snuggie of scarfdom.
"G'day mate! Let's put another UN55D8000 on the HMZ-T1!!"
"In-wheel electric motors free up space so literally the entire footprint is dedicated to passengers."
Great!! Now I can ditch that crappy tape recorder and get to some high-quality Doobie Brothers bootleggin'!!!!