
@olmy: See, every time I've come across a Volvo driver, they've been of the (inhale) "OMG-I'm-driving-on-a-road-and-I'm-quite-sure-I'm-going-to-die-in-this-thing-so-I-heard-that-Volvo's-are-safe-so-I-made-my-spouse-buy-me-one-but-I-still-drive-like-the-biggest-pussy-you've-ever-met-in-your-life." (gasp)... variety.

Damnit! I stripped the cork again!

Nothing to do with the 700 people that lost their job less than 2 weeks before Christmas, I'm sure...

So will these work?

Interesting wrinkle -

@Clamps: It's all fun and games until someone gets cold-cocked.

@Weakskills: I'm no criminal, but isn't rule number 1 destroy the evidence?

@Curves: Or conversely, his misuse of there/their/they're IS the reason he's writing descriptions about ink cartridges...

So what's the argument here, exactly?

@tonyola: I'm curious what in a Hamster's life requires it to open it's mouth THAT wide...this creepy little bugger will haunt my nightmares.

NMS - Not Much Style.

Logic fail - Child Porn IS Child Abuse!

Wish my commute was this smooth...

"...never needed it to begin with"