Roman Reigns’s position in the WWE hierarchy may continue to confound, but tonight’s Raw storyline saw the…
No, no, they were saying Boo-urns! Boo-urns.
This guy has yet to make it through 12 steps, let alone an entire staircase.
this isn’t a spelling bee bub it’s a bar scuffle. you will be the first to fall I see it in your eyes
Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...
But...but...but...I thought Democrats were as bad as they are! That’s what my 3@ year old unemployed Jill Stein-voting cousin told me! And he wouldn’t lie!
and puked on the grass the following morning to fertilize the potato crop.
Wine is supposed to be drank out of a bag that’s ripped from a box, then passed around in a circle and shared.. “That’s Franzia, The Socialist’s Wine.”
“Where can I get some of that? Asking for a friend.”
r/GoNets is the saddest thing on the internet. I dare you to look at it.
Just curious - why didn’t Dave McKenna get this story? Seems like it’d be right in his wheelhouse...
“Now that’s how you run a franchise.”
Delete this and any account you’ve ever had.
Yeah, he needs to chill. But did he go too far? You gotta ask yourself, did Jim Mora sin?
Thomas was an all star last year, this isn’t his debut. You’re really short changing him here.
My fellow commenters never star my shit. It isn’t because it isn’t funny, it’s because you all are a bunch of bad teammates. I’ve gone to management repeatedly about this and they kept saying who are you? And please stop talking to us. Magary just sent me a link to his book and HamNo just yelled unions repeatedly. It…
And at the end of Trump’s fourth year, she’s gonna yell “The Aristocrats!”