Ron Killington

So would it be OK to get a group of black guys to read rap lyrics degrading women to a group of women because other black guys rapped it?

This is perfect! I'm so tired of people using tweets to support an article. You can find a thousand tweets saying the world is flat, that doesn't make it true.

Absolutely! I come here to read TV and movie news. Ok, we get it. Men and white people are horrible. If I wanted a left leaning spin on everything, I'd read Gawker.

Then you are a horrible person for wanting someone who is innocent to be smeared for life for something they didn't do. If they are guilty then it should be known but I would like some kind of proof before everyone picks up pitchforks.

Nope. You were literally the only person to bring gender into this.

It's hard to dumb it down to the point where a child who throws a temper tantrum and calls names would understand.

True, you're so narcissistic that you thought everyone feels exactly as you feel.

Awwww, someone had a different opinion on the Internet than little Francis so he got all upset and wanted that person to go to hell. Be careful everyone. If you have an opinion, make sure you ok it with little Francis or he may get very, very angry and say mean things if he doesn't agree.

Same thing happens to men for auditions. They will dictate about muscles for some roles and even have the guys take off their shirts. When Ladder 49 filmed in my town I submitted my head shot and got a call back to possibly play a butt double for a shower scene. I was going to be for Joaquin Phoenix and up to 5 guys

And some teenage boys are blind and can't physically watch movies. Point is that MOST teenage boys like sexy girls and sex sells. It's not coincidence that most leading men are handsome. Most action heros are muscular. Most fat men in movies are for comic relief as are overweight women. It's a shame but Rose can't

Orrrrrr dressing sexy because the audience for an Adam Sandler movie is teenage boys who want to see a female character dress sexy. Let's not pretend this is the first time in Hollywood an actress or actor has been judged on their looks. She wasn't dressed like an Amish girl in Grindhouse.

You're so right. I disagree with something a woman said so I must be a male chauvinist. And whichever woman gets the part will be allowed to show up wearing whatever they want for filming. Actors dictate the character for movies. Ok.

A reasonable person. What are you doing here? You have to be OUTRAGED!

I met her last year and thinks she looks great. However, if the role is for a sexy character that wears those type of outfits in the movie, what is the problem? They are looking for someone to fill a role and they have a character in mind.

Awww I hurt little Francis's feelings and he said mean things since he had no argument like an adult :(

Why? For pointing out facts and not name calling? You do know that Hollywood casts sexy women in movies, don't you? Also, you do know that mostly teenage boys watch Adam Sandler movies and want to see sexy women, right? If the role was for a doctor in a serious movie and they asked women to wear that, I would say

Oh no. A woman known for her sex appeal was asked to dress sexy for a role of a sexy girl! You all do know this isn't an interview for an office job, right? Wait until I tell you how Hollywood often hires people based on their looks! Shocking! And Rose didn't have a problem with all this until she turned 41. I

I'm sorry if I offended you, Édgar Ramírez.

More like "Pointless" Break, amirite?

That's true and we should also get rid of the 1st amendment because "blah blah blah Constitution is old, man". I think too many people comment too much on websites so the government should really restrict that.