Ron Killington

Was that when a member of the media was giving Hillary debate questions ahead of time or when they were withholding the Access Hollywood tape of Trump for weeks to release it at the exact moment to do the most damage to Trump? You're living in a fantasy world if you think the media was more vicious to Hillary.

Haha would never happen because biased sites like this one would have never even mentioned the meeting unless they could cherry pick something negative against Trump out of the photo.

No, I'm criticizing a commercial that was written and created by actual people.

Tell that to the guys who were attacked after the election while African American's yelled on the side "They voted for Trump. That's what they get".

If she was really a legal immigrant, she wouldn't have been surprised to see a wall and would have known there was a door.

I think someone is still upset over their candidate losing.

Keep smoking whatever you're smoking

A government full of Nazis and yet we always help Israel?

You didn't see me writing a whole article gushing like a schoolgirl over Trump wearing a hat backwards. Another great article about TV, movies and music. Oh, I forgot, this website uses any excuse to shoehorn their liberal beliefs.

Yeah, you are more unnerved about a candidate that you didn't like winning than terrorists killing 3,000 innocent people. Damn, you're a fucking idiot.

Awww I see Esther is still salty lol. I like Green Day but it's funny that people think this was anything more than a publicity stunt to get in the news. "ohhh, you called Trump a racist. So shocking!" lol. Green Day knew they would get cheers from the supporting millennials in the audience and then from the

It was funny watching him still shill for the Democratic party. Blaming the media for being too easy on Trump? Lmao! They withheld the tape of Trump to release it to do as much damage to Trump as possible. John Oliver said nothing negative about Hillary or mistakes she made during the campaign during this episode.

Yet the audience already had their minds made up that they wouldn't laugh at any of her jokes before she even told one. Liberals refuse to believe that anyone else can ever have a difference of opinion. 90% percent of jokes are always made at Repubicans so God forbid someone makes fun of liberals for a change.

I'm shocked the women on Jezebel would even be for a woman having sex with a man. I thought all women were victims of men. Imagine if a men's site was discussing how Jack would have had sex with Rose in a car? Jezebel would have been up in arms over the sexism.

This article comes a day after every woman on the internet tried to find a pic of Orlando Bloom's dick. GTFO!

With Will Smith in Wild, Wild West, Jaden in The Karate Kid and Willow attempted starring in Annie, it would be ironic if The Fresh Prince was made with a white family.

Ghostbusters was the 6th highest grossing movie of the 80's so this is probably the most popular movie that has been remade but keep trying to make it about misogyny.

Wait, wasn't the shooter in Orlando a Democrat?

"I view every movie in terms of black and white"

It would be a gimmick in the same way that the new Annie was a gimmick. They didn't just cast the actress to be Annie because she just happened to be the best actress they discovered. They actively went out to change the color of Annie to black. The original actress was going to be Willow Smith. It's a way to rehash