
WTF is an incel? You're a bigot because you attacked someone that you perceived to be as a man defending himself. No wonder there are so many mentally damaged guys out there these days. They get shit on for things they do and then have to apologize for things they haven't done. Hell, they even lose their jobs for

I really don't care if you do or don't. You've already illustrated your bigotry so any additional trolling is rather moot at this point.

LOL! Boy, are you barking up the wrong tree. Your go-to feminist shaming tactics are full of fail for one simple reason: I'm not a guy.

One of what? An anti-Social Justice Warrior?

If he indeed Tweeted regularly on behalf of the company on his account then I agree - he messed up and has suffered the consequences. If he hasn't Tweeted on behalf of his company on that Twitter account, I stand by my initial statements.

Now playing

Okay. How about this man attacked by pissed off Turkish feminists?

Yeah, that whole "Corporations are legally people" bullshit is astounding.

Wow, such weapons-grade idiocy is downright hilarious if not disturbing. You couldn't fit your venom into a single post so, in typical Social Justice Warrior fashion, you repeatedly assault someone that doesn't share your opinions and attempt to scare them into silence.

Now playing

He wasn't being an "asshole." That's the problem: knee-jerk Social Justice Warriors are like paranoid piranha waiting to strike out at the first sign of anything that remotely resembles something that doesn't go with their flow.

LOL! Thanks for proving my point.

Disprove me. Please link one....just one.... article depicting a woman, non-white or member of the LGBTAXYZ community losing their job for being a racist/sexist against a heterosexual white man. Just one.

And yet we've never seen a single person face any reprisal for publicly attacking white, heterosexual men based on their race, sex and sexual orientation.

Did his Twitter account have the name TurtleRock in it? Was he a celebrity? Where does the line draw between being a "public face" and being an individual? Was his Tweets sponsored by the studio that sacked him or something?

That's called Communism.

If this isn't proof of hyper-liberal bullying, nothing is.

LOL. I don't have a penis so I your penile enhancement bit was pointless. Secondly, this has nothing to do with weapons and everything to do with a severe lack of accountability that permeates our culture now. I am happy to see 12 year olds tried as adults because they committed an adult crime. There wasn't any

LOL! Thanks for the laugh. I obviously lack your comedic timing.

I bow to a clearly adept master in the feminist arts. /gong

That's not the point! Men live in fear of stabby women every day in our society! They thought they were stabbing SlenderMAN, NOT SlenderWOMAN. Check your privilege!