
I'm betting that's exactly why he requested the abortion: a LOT of women enslave men financially this way (due to all sorts of screwed up laws) and this guy didn't get to become a millionaire by making bad business decisions.

This seems very one-sided. How come the accuser's identity remains anonymous but the accused, who hasn't even been convicted, has his identity dragged through the mud like this? Talk about trial by media.

Does anyone know how many more developers this train wreck of a company will plop into the already huge pool of unemployment?


Considering I just heard that Molten Games (who? It's a "new" studio that never made anything but served as an employment life raft for a few friends) is closing and Sony just sacked a bunch of people, seeing videos like this, as a now unemployed developer, is just salt in the wound. :/

My heart goes out to all the people affected by the mass layoffs and the subsequent addition of a considerable amount of out-of-work developers added to this already gigantic pool of unemployed after this game launches. :(

It doesn't help the that lore is incredibly painful to read, either.

Wow. If that quick little pan through some of the locales turns out to be what we see in the final product, I'm impressed.

Does anyone know if they're using a spec map/shader on the skin to dynamically move the highlights? It's difficult to see in the stills if that "shine" animates along with the character or if it's static.

Next up: black lesbians wearin' Oculus Rifts.

I can't speak for the corporate politics and working environment of EA as I've never worked there and only know a few former coworkers that have worked at EA one time or another. However, I can speak about their end products and why I'll never purchase anything from them ever again.

The earlier UDK gameplay looks nice but those character concepts leave a lot to be desired.

Wow. I forgot how entertaining belligerent ignorance was to read. :)

Haha. Someone's delusional and it sure isn't me. Most of the games you listed are pure hype and recycled from older games. Telltale's The Walking Dead was ported to the console (and every other platform - including mobile). If you think that a game that can be played on one's iPhone is what will sustain these brand

By your posts, I'm guessing you weren't around during the crash back then. If you were, you'd realize this is a very similar scenario.
"Weak games" are the majority of titles these days. If it doesn't have a number next to its title or be completely derivative of something else (for risk aversion), it's an experimental

"Btw, many studios are closing but it's due to their lack of quality titles."
"Now you see that the truth is"

In before Nintendo's lawyers issue a C&D order.

It sure seems it to me: a LOT of rehashes and completely disposable titles have flooded this market. There are so many forgettable games out there that consumers can afford to be more thrifty. Hell, many are completely holding off from games during their peak sale windows and choosing to wait for the "Game of The

Actually, it's called a burst bubble and it nearly destroyed this industry back in 1984. It's amazingly depressing how short-sighted businessmen so easily forget the past.