It’s way more expensive than regular water. 😐
It’s way more expensive than regular water. 😐
Not accurate. Seanchan were definitely ALL races. The only people described in a way that would indicate race were the Aiel, the Cairheinin and the Seafolk ... but even they varied a lot.
This was a much better series than GoT imo. Definitely looking forward to seeing how it goes and what alterations and changes they make.
Being tall is not a vital aspect and she can easily due her hair. If you think of Moraine as a character and the parts that Pike has played, there’s no argument as to whether she can do it will.
I say read it yourself and decide for yourself before making a post like this Your judgement of it as a bad idea it’s a declaration based on someone else’s opinion.
The benefit in making an event exclusive to women (and nonbinary) in a sexist environment is that they can feel that their voices and opinions all matter and are equal. They can also empathetically support each other and share their views on the current work environment and discuss creating a more inclusive one. Adding…
Had kinda figured Hammond would have integrated himself into Talon somehow ... Doubting that idea now.
Moira's gonna love this one!
The problem is, they’re adding content that fills in holes in the timeline, but doesn’t fill any holes in the plot. I seriously think the only reason they added this was to make Bahamut seems just a tiny but less useless. He’s seriously worse than nothing in the game ... Attacks and misses. ... Thanks guy .. -_-
Elevate computer, stand up, continue playing. Lol!
I’d say fighting Cor on Final Fantasy 15 episode Gladiolus dlc ... It’s an optional fight ... but it’s stressful. 😵
Wow, you really did play quite a few. Definitely try out Divinity Original Sin 2
That’s a non-expressive look. You’re choosing to see sultry because she’s naked.
Weirdest thing ... Navy guy here. The wife of one of my Chief’s who was also once in the Navy recommended peeing in the shower. I can’t even remember how the conversation came up and I immediately rejected the idea; even if we didn’t have to clean those showers, someone had to. I think they just have weird ideas of…
My gym doesn’t have towels. If I’m coming from home and I remember to toss one in my bag then I’ll shower at the gym, but if I’m coming from work or somewhere else then I won’t. I live only 7 mins away and I have to pass by home to get to the gym from work, but it’s not a good enough reason to make a stop.
The only question is: Is magic still stupidly overpowered in multiplayer the way it is in single player?
Not that it matters, but I’m black ... and well .. I like this skin. I liked the unusual design, the fact that it plays different songs and .. and well, I don’t think anyone else can pull it off.
Big fan of both but, and really looking forward to FFXV ... but I’d go with Persona 5. Aside from the mmo remake, FF has been less reliable lately.