
Oooh now that is cool and interesting!

But it seems they have major cities out in the open? I don’t want to be too pedantic, but there are entire organisations who constantly every part of the world. Plus worldwide terrain datasets are perfect for training certain machine learning algos, so they’d locate the distinctive lines of cities within hours.

Hmm, are there remote sensing satellites in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? ‘Cause it’s pretty much impossible to hide an advanced civilization in today’s hyper patrolled world.

Most of these are gorgeous pieces with so much details to them, but I feel the Inside art is the most captivating. Gods that was a lovely game.

As the whining starts about the wisdom of spending money on space research/exploration while there are other issues facing India:

In case people want to hear about possible box office totals:

I’ve been reading the new Wonder Woman comic and do you think setting up Diana as a nurse to gain perspective on the war’s victims who then moves into combat would’ve been too much? Though reading it back now that sounds kinda sexist.

What was terrorist’s political leanings? Was it proven that he had online ties to ISIS or was he radicalised on his own?

I’ve seen Lebanese people on twitter broadly supporting the move and I don’t blame them, even though I myself will be catching the first show here in Calcutta.

I never saw the series on TV, but I picked up a third hand copy of the novelization of Space: Above and Beyond and it was so good! The premise was interesting, the characters had deep wounds and animosities that make sense and the universe was completely fleshed out, what with the AI wars being over and its

I meant it more in the sense that all Indian joint families I know are matriarchal in form and function. But I see what you mean.

As an Indian who has recently (but barely) moved into what I’d call a middle-class standard of life, the stigma of “love marriages” can be surprisingly matriarchal in nature. Almost every family I know has a kindly old grandmother/aunt telling the anecdotal story of ‘that woman’ who eloped and is now regretting it or

Tangential to this, does anyone remember a Japanese young adult novel from a few years back with somewhat similar storyline? Though the cities had legs and were semi-sentient and the kids had super powers or something weird like that. I read it in college and can’t find it now.

Eh I think the northern, ‘beyond the wall’ scenes are from an expedition by Jon Snow and the gang to capture a wight/white walker to display to the faux Kingsmoot, following advice from the Onion Knight or Dany. Or maybe even to convince Dany herself after she was skeptical of the threat.

Eh I dunno I’m not a Westerner so I stay out of your politics, but reddit is perhaps the best general interest website on the internet. You can find massive networks of every topic under the sun: makeup, gaming, transgender issues, machine learning, cat bellies and the like. Gizmodo and the larger Gawker network

They were freaking fantastic! Even today, my workout tracks are filled to the brim with The Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, Röyksopp and Prodigy.

Now playing

Oh yeah I kinda remember that one now that you said it. It was fantastically well choreographed: