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Woah I’m a bit fuzzy on the plot details but Hanna, alongside TRON: Legacy, have the greatest soundtrack in movie history IMO. The Chemical brothers knocked it out of the park!

Charlie Jane was, and remains, the best of what io9 and the science fiction genre itself aspires to be. Much more accolades will come her way, that’s for certain.

When I was a kid living near Calcutta meant often elephants would be on the road next to buses and such. Since then the gov has clamped down. But now I’m in North India and the wild elephant and leopard attacks are a legitimate concern if you live on the outskirt of a city/village.

I mean,

Bloody hell I’m glad that they don’t exist in my part of the planet. Though we do have leopards and elephants so we don’t get off that easy.

Wait shit I didn’t know wolverines were an actual animal until this article. I will rethink many things about my life now.

I know this isn’t Jezebel’s beat so much, but The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald wrote a fantastic tribute to the life and times of Chelsea Manning, a relevant part of which I’m copying here:

Hey Jason, is there any remaining interest in the Prince of Persia IP, do you know? If not a new game, maybe a remaster of the Sands of Time trilogy?

Here’s the good news folks, as of today, there are 1,801 known Potentially Hazardous Asteroids.

That is an exhausting conversation to be having, honestly. I’m Indian (Bengali) and I’m in the US for my PhD and naturally gravitated to the Desi community for familiarity sake. That led to a culture shock far more intense than broader American culture: it sometimes felt like they’re from 70s or 80s India, supporting

Oh god. I’m the one who usually buys personal care stuff for my nieces and I can imagine the hilarious and tragic misunderstandings that are going to come about because of my bottle shape choices. Bet they’re already gloating.

I know this is about advertising revenue, but doesn’t Western societies have an obesity epidemic? Maybe the ads should gear more towards healthy eating and exercise than quick weight loss techniques.

Also, a short but succinct article by Sarah Jones on the Democratic Party reaction to coal country voting patterns:

This article should be on the front page of The New York Times.

I will point out that VISA applicants were being told to scrub social media of anything ‘politically problematic’ for over 3 months now, in order to avoid issues. Especially facebook, twitter and google+, atleast here in India. Definitely don’t post stuff like ‘Fuck Trump’ and have it show up when your name is Googled.

I wonder if there are budding (or actual) investment banker type people who are practicing their real life marks on here. Could make for a cool bit of non-fiction, in the veins of Empires of Eve

Of course. I apologize if I came across as accusatory.

I think we probably run on different twitter circles. We always self select our chambers! Neither of us are wrong (I hope), we have different perspectives.

Hmm, most of the criticism I’ve seen on twitter about Obama’s 400K seem to come from PoC. Of course, I’m not American so my views are very skewed.

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Has there been any recent additions to the list of great video game cinematics/trailers? Kotaku’s last feature was almost a year ago now! The only one that comes to mind is the Smite trailer but that’s no classic for sure.