
All this has made me realize how much I hate “YouTube GamerCulture” and how freaking stupid it all is.

Really it’s SJWs over reacting? He paid some poor people to hold up a sign saying one of the most racist phrases around. Obviously it was in poor taste and I guess it wasn’t malicious but still, you can’t just do whatever the hell you want with no repercussions. I have no sympathy at all for this kid.

IMO there’s a big difference between “tastes like it has ketchup in it” and “tastes like ketchup” as the headline states

So what’s your point? Should Kotaku not preview anything?

Ok....I really dislike Trump and all that but come on, this isn’t plagiarism at all, they are just talking about similar concepts.

It really seems that way....I guess they just don’t make enough profit off of Steam to bother

I’m pretty sure that the outfit she is wearing in this porn is a little less revealing than the one Sidney actually wears

Lol this was actually holding me back from playing a little bit. Although I don’t really care if the boy dies, but if Trico had died that would have been too much ;)

Is the demo playable in VR?

I hope that the next time anyone reading this criticizes someone in a sci-fi movie for being dumb and taking their mask off or touching the weird alien creature, they remember the picture at the top of this post of a person holding a hand full of these somewhat unknown things.

The good old: “poster disagrees with me so he must be a shill response”. Please refute what he says with actual sources before claiming he’s a paid poster.

I’d say that if you play to each Civ’s strengths they all feel pretty different.

No because, surprise, different words in different orders have different meanings! I think you totally missed the point here. I would explain it but Jim. B and Jamiej already explained it just fine above, I’d suggest re-reading their posts.

This statement is as true as when they said the Switch wouldn’t be replacing the 3DS ;)

I am having a hard time following your critique of how they pick critics. They pick popular critics that get traffic and that people read. Are you saying they should pick critics that people don’t like and that aren’t popular? Also saying that the popular critics only care about AAA movies is just wrong. They review

Can’t resist jumping in here:’m so sad....................................................................................really torn up about this..............................

What’s baffling is s/he seems to have read the Polygon article though

So....this game has to be Frog Fractions 2 right?

I’m not sure I’m a fan of this argument. It basically sounds like you’re saying: “if you don’t like this game you should try a similar but worse game so you’ll appreciate it more.” I want Stellaris to be fun and not boring on it’s own and not just in relation to another game ;)