When I’ve decided on cake, I don’t settle for the most healthy option. It’s fucking CAKE. That’s like wanting to get drunk and buying some weak ass lager.
When I’ve decided on cake, I don’t settle for the most healthy option. It’s fucking CAKE. That’s like wanting to get drunk and buying some weak ass lager.
I am liking this the more I learn. I don’t follow sports, didn’t know the history behind the question. I just know she dominates this sport and has tons of fans. I just thought she seemed rude, but now that I know the context and get the bigger picture it probably makes her an even better role model to everyone that…
Who was it—Andy Roddick?— who recently called people out for never dwelling on his behavior they way they have with Serena? I believe he even said that he has behaved worse than she ever did and no one said boo. I love him for that. (And if it was someone else and not Roddick, I love them instead). And I couldn’t give…
FYI: asking someone to smile is rude. Her not wanting to smile and giving an honest answer IS NOT RUDE.
Probably not. It does seem to always be guys asking women "why aren't you smiling?". If I had to beat my sister in a sport in front of millions, I don't know if I'd be smiling either.
He wouldn’t ask a man the same question. That’s the problem.
As a knitter who hasn’t finished her first sweater this is totally amazing. Yes it’s somewhat ugly, but if it’s nice soft yarn then it’s surprising how much less appearance matters. Also the amount of work Jadda put in is actually kind of mind boggling, I’ve been knitting for nearly 10 years and I couldn’t do it,…
I mean, okay, it’s tacky and a little ugly... but it’s better than anything I could ever knit. That shit has heart.
Are those Guitar Hero guitars? Like he’s lording over video game controllers?
1) Use the coupons for the hottest salsa you can get.
he needs to shut up.
Luckily, the next interview she has will ask her the SAME EXACT QUESTIONS, so she has another shot at wowing you.
Here’s my thing about this- I have Aspergers. I literally can’t make eye-contact with strangers for more than a few seconds. And I don’t like to look in the general direction of a person for too long, for fear that I’m being rude to them. I also don’t feel comfortable talking to people I don’t know either, so I always…
You’re being obtuse. The customer demanded that the food be hot, and threatened to send it back immediately if it wasn’t hot enough. The customer had also apparently been demanding all day and had been difficult to satisfy. Putting food in a cool or room temparature bowl and walking it out cools it down. The server…
Is it weird that I mentally cast Don as Graham Greene?
I know people who left a company for another, and then returned with a fat raise to where they should’ve been paid.
The “experts” were getting so defensive during the reunion show that I could not stop cringing. Like, sorry you fucked up and this was a massive failure but it’s not these women’s jobs to pander to these nutcase you “carefully” matched them with.
That made me mad, too. I guess his grandparents knew each other pretty well before they started acting like crotchety old people, right? You can’t start a relationship that way.