
There is no El Duce story that does not end in "Ick". I had a friend once, a bad drunk that used to drink listerine on sundays because of the stupid Pennsylvania booze laws (turns out you have to drink the yellow stuff, the less gross flavors have a vomiting agent in them. Fun!) and he used to tell stories about Duce

This is fair, but "biting off more than they can chew" is never, or at least very rarely, the charge against them. It seems like their high-level management are game designers who had to learn business, they have a lot of problems managing publisher deals. I'm super interested in Numenera because that will be the real

Guilty :)

A monster in every sense of that word, I knew that the first time I played CLOP lol

I'm definitely a snob, but in music terms it ranks with what a band is trying to do - If you are gonna use harmonies for example, you better fucking know how to sing in tune, or I will judge that negatively, zero fucks given. On the other hand, a million NOFX clones harmonizing in perfect tune, and it all makes me

Man, studying under Foddy, I'm jealous. Would love to pick that guys brain. Also, I think I owe him about ten-thousand shouts of "Ha-Ha! Stupid Horse!"

You think that's funny you probably shouldn't do any looking into the situation in Australia, you might laugh until you hurt yourself.

I'm not an audiophile, although I do actually work in audio. Those Crass records sound beautiful on vinyl and it's only because you can actually hear what an amazing clusterfuck they were. The cd versions don't do them justice. C'mon man, I LIKE CRASS, that pretty much excludes me from audiophile country entirely.

Right, but mp3's are not cds. If I could re-record over all these crappy mix cd's, if I could manipulate binary the way that I can cut and splice tape, hell, if you could get half the sound-love out of a cd that you can get by accident recording to a $75 cassette four track, I'd feel differently. Plus mixing for

On a more serious note though, I'm old enough now that I've been bitching about compact discs longer than I had lived before they became the medium of choice for the mass market... In twenty years I'll be bitching about CDs from my rocker on the front porch and my grandkids will all wonder what my problem is with

I transferred my entire record collection to wire coil, want to buy some 1st press Rudi Peni 7"s?

Eh LocoEsteban admitted below that he's a South Florida hesher who likes to troll "punk fans" (Did he really say "punk fans"? Like punks are some kind of festooned air-moving apparatus left lonely on the Ikea showroom floor?). Probably is old enough to remember when punks and metalheads used to hospitalize each other

Definitely. Throbbing Gristle was a punk band, as "punk as fuck" as anyone, anywhere, ever - the question with them, however is not "is this punk?" but "is this actually music, and am I listening to it wrong?"

Minimal Googling reveals Richardson to be big Mentors fan. As far as I'm concerned that's grounds alone for putting this guy away. NO ONE who is not a vile shit-eater will ever ever EVER admit to liking the Mentors. They are to date rape what Skrewdriver is to hate crime.

It's in the Western Civilization Great Big Book Of Songs, right after my own entry "Vice Principle Hahn Is A NAzi".

This old canard, or chestnut, or whatever you want to call it. Still just as full of shit now as it was in 1993.

I love this debate, this is one thread I would love people to really work over. It's one of the central tensions of punk as a culture - what is political, where does the personal end and the political begin?

I have a friend who contracted a near fatal case of strep from Lake Michigan. Nothing like an antibiotic-resistant ear infection to liven up the summer!

How's the weather at the Codex today? You guys don't get out much, but just so you know, this joke died a long time ago out here in the real world.

I object to the notion that a beer must be of pabst-level quality to be guzzleable. My favorites are Warsteiner, Anchor Steam, and if I'm in New England, Geary's. Leinenkugel. All "drink seven and then get up off the barstool to pee; fall down" levels of drinkable, and priced close to a more "respectable" mid-tier