Eurogamer has a 2,15 GB video of the PS4 version of Battlefield 4 up for download, as well as a 1,98 GB video of the Xbox One version. All 1080p at 60 fps. Thought you might like it. ^_^
Eurogamer has a 2,15 GB video of the PS4 version of Battlefield 4 up for download, as well as a 1,98 GB video of the Xbox One version. All 1080p at 60 fps. Thought you might like it. ^_^
Oh ey fellow GB DUDER NaruJoe! Really like the love being shown here!
The price to performance ratio king for the past few months had been Nvidia's GTX 770 and a lot of site's have pointed this out too (notably AnandTech) and recently it just went under $400 (now it's around $330) though on the AMD side,…
No it's not, fuck off.
I agree that holding R1 in a game like Shadow of the Colossus definitely makes a lot more sense than it would holding RB on a 360 controller. But the 360 bumper makes a lot more sense for something like active reloads in Gears of War. I guess it varies by application which form factor is better, though I suppose my…
Just no. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
I'm gonna make a bit of a counter-vote to this one. The R9 series is pretty notorious already for running quite hot ( > 85 degrees under a full load, some reports have said as much as 95 degrees and up) and the fans on them are stupidly loud. A hot-running GPU won't last too long, and AMD is known for making GPUs…
I definitely have to go with the 770 as well. Even at the original $400 I'm happy as hell with mine, I've yet to come across a game I cannot play on max at 1920x1080 w/ 60+ fps. Vote
I've had the 760 and the 770 and the 770 is worth it if it's on sale (price drop works too). vote<\b> 770
I'm also going to go ahead and say the 770 as my Vote.
Definitely. I would usually say the x60 cards for Nvidia (I have the 760), but since that price drop, it has to be the 770
You are aware that if people DON'T buy hardware at launch, it's unlikely you'll ever buy it after. Right? Because in order for hardware to succeed, sales have to be there from the beginning, or else support won't be there. Nor will there be future price drops from reduced component prices.
If GTA 5 beats TLOU I will be extremely disappointed in the human race.
The Last of Us by a country mile.
As Kotaku reported on Wednesday, the PS4 launch game DriveClub was delayed to 2014. Sony's Shuhei Yoshida has…
Steven Ogg is about ten seconds away from being a HUGE star.
"I am armed. I have a pistol with a silencer, a shotgun, extra rounds. This is my chance at … fame? Money? Revenge? Who cares. I just wanna fuck this place up."
Prequels are made to fill in backstory to characters and settings you allready know and enjoy. They cater mainly to fans of the first itterations. Then again, that isn't to say newcomers can't enjoy the games/films/shows/comics/books in their own right and indeed start THEIR experience from there. Case.n.p from own…
I had a really hard time deciding but eventually I opted to eat the McRib.