
Fuck you David Lynch. 

Put a Halo game on switch and a Mario game on Xbox then. Nope? You guys suck at playing chicken.

The imagery is what’s disturbing. Reading the plot isnt going to give you that experience

Some of the best horror/psychological films inject moments of comedy to act as an unsettling contrast with the horror. Like near the ending when the older son (probably 17 or 18 years old) is calling out “mommy? mommy?”. People laughed at that, and then... Well, you know what happens in the end. Nobody laughed at that

Seeing these uber successful people succumb to this shitty affliction makes me wonder how I can maintain the strength to carry on. Right now I’m not in that state of mind, but I’ve been in it before, and I’ll certainly be in it again; that’s just how it works. Just know you’re not alone and there are good people out

I just googled Pete Davidson’s height, as one is to do, and either Ariana Grande is wearing some extreme ass heels (she’s apparently 5 ft), or I’m calling bullshit on him being 6'3" (which is what Google told me, and I trust Google with all my being).

Tom Rogers is a god.

Us vs them

We can’t keep living in the world like it’s black and white.

The guy who hung himself had problems? No waaaay. Better demonize him!

Rudy looks like demon Bilbo in fellowship of the ring.

I was really vile and insensitive in high school about a lot of things. I could list off some excuses to cover my ass, but the fact is that I had complete control over my words and no good excuse exists. It’s something I’ll have to reconcile with for the rest of my life; it falls on me, and no one else. This, in turn,

Because the game doesn’t natively support any other input method besides touch. What this article is referring to is the equivalent of using joy2key for games with no controller support on pc.

They give you a feel for movies you’ve never heard of and never would have given a chance otherwise. Sure it can be done better, and they should let you turn them off, but it’s a good/necessary feature at it’s core. To be honest, the dumb music is the only bad thing about them.

Fucking scum of the earth. These children survived a traumatic event, yet found the strength to fight for something they believe in. How can any sane person have this reaction?

Dont go and craft imlerith Sabbath folks. It’s pretty terrible, even in arena. This type of play rarely happens in arena, and never in constructed.

I have never had good bottled BBQ sauce. They’re all way too sweet, with a gummyish consistency. I make it myself now that I know it isn’t that difficult (its, pretty much, doctored up ketchup anyway).

Only 1 of my 4 cats hates being held. 2 of them might as well be dogs with how well I can call them over to me. They aren’t needy like dogs can be though.

Ps4 doesn’t have a labeled system in place, but there are (and have been) multiple “early access” (open beta) games on the platform. I mean, the most obvious one is the subject of this article... So if that really was the reason, it was a bad one

To be fair, Microsoft did the same exact thing with pubg.