Don't do stupid shit on the internet and you'll be fine.
Don't do stupid shit on the internet and you'll be fine.
Right now I'm playing Rogue Legacy on ps4/vita. I was playing Ni No Kuni before that but I'm taking a break from it.
All great things eventually come to an end, but their influence lives forever. That's what I get from this. "It's only a name". It's heartbreaking for people who love Studio Ghibli movies to hear, but it's true. It was never the name, it was the idea and passion of the people who served under it. You don't need…
Not straight up copied, but most definitely similar in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable about supporting it.
So does that mean playstation now will be included in my playstation plus membership? They're saying that there's value in offering many services for just one low price and not adding additional cost for extra service. I am now expecting this from you Sony.
That's exclusive to the ps3 version
The internet is a hell of a drug
Edit: NVM its 16.99, 2 dollars more than the original release.
Really bummed that Rogue Legacy is so expensive for the ps release... Hope this doesn't start the trend of "you get all 3 versions so we increase the price". If that's the case, then give me the ability to just purchase one version; maybe even a ps4/vita or ps3/vita bundle. I have no need for both a ps3/ps4 version if…
You don't think they are blowing up that resolution to fit a 16:9 screen, do you? Its going to be a super wide aspect ratio (so black bars on the top and bottom), which is inherently filmic (as a lot of classic movies utilize wider ratios). Maybe it's a convenient byproduct of them trying to get the game to run at 30…
a map button really isnt an action within the game since it almost always pauses the game and brings you to a menu like place. And where else would you put taunt in a fighting game? Most fighting games pretty much use all the face buttons, all the bumpers/triggers, and people like using the d pad for movement. And…
this is intriguing, but I've also never played 2 and 3. Do you think those games are necessary to get the most out of yakuza 4?
I have a lot of really complex feelings about this particular subject. On one end, I hope he didn't do it, but the fact that the accusation is up in the air makes me feel uneasy about him regardless of whether he did it or not. Rape is unnerving on every imaginable level, so the accusation itself makes me feel weird…
how does the story compare to the first yakuza? There's most likely some rose tinting involved with my view of it, but when I played it when I was a kid I thought it was one of the best game stories I'd ever seen. Later entries seem a bit to jokey/quirky comparatively.
I think every controller needs the button that it's unclear what it does, but for the most part serves some sort of function you wouldn't normally see elsewhere on the controller. Shoulder buttons, face buttons, dpad, all of these are for player actions within the game. What happens when you need a map button, or a…
I wasn't specifically referring to this game, just games in general. Honestly, femalecentric is probably a bad word to use. I mean I wish developers would take women into consideration more often when making games.
Wow, some of the comments here are so unapologetically ignorant and un-empathetic. I thought the kotaku community was better than that (I guess I'm not really surprised).
Between this and all the wrestling stuff over at giant bomb, Im so close to getting back into wrestling. I'm just not sure if it's really a rabbit hole worth going down.
Kinda looks like Aaron Paul in the last season of breaking bad (when he has the big beard)