
This looks like something from last generation except sharper/slightly more detailed. Were still in the phase of games not taking complete advantage of the hardware because they are being limited by their older brother consoles. I think arkham knight is the first multiplatform next gen game that has really impressed

they have to make the money back from ESO somehow ;)

In theory its possible, but when I see people benchmark games on a pc built in that ballpark its always games that have also come out on last gen consoles and arent taking full advantage of any hardware. If you built a 600 dollar pc now, sure you'll be able to run battlefield 4 today (that has pretty low

It's not really sad. I actually don't really mind if the graphics are a little worse on consoles compared to PC. It would be nice if it looked just as good, but that's a bit unreasonable to expect. A console is a closed platform with set specs. PC, on the other hand, gets new components yearly. It's just obvious that

I'm not poor, I just have other interests/priorities other than gaming. Unless you're rich and can afford the biggest and best thing in all of your interests. Then that's great! I'm glad you're happy!

What are you talking about? That shit looked sharp. Are you watching it full screen?

The difference between a rig like that and a console is that the rig will become obsolete much quicker due to optimization being poor on pc compared to consoles.

Well, Im not actually sure WHAT it was running on, but I've been burned too many times with trailers like this looking really nice, but then "oh wait that was running on a 1500 dollar pc... darn". It's still possible that it's ps4, but why would they show that when the PC version will (probably) look better on the

Who spoiled what?

You just saw it on PC with the highest settings (probably, and sadly).

He definitely sold it :D

you mean game and wario or actually warioware? Dont think wii u has warioware yet, but I could be wrong

Multiplatform games still count, yah know. Thats another reason why nintendo is lacking in games, because their third party support is horrid. Their effort to distinguish their hardware from the competition is noble, but it's just going to end badly for them. It's sad, but true.

I dont know, from what I remember the ps3 and 360 had great games coming out monthly in their first 2 years. Looking at the metacritic pages for all three consoles and there second year of release games (2006 for 360, 2007 for ps3, 2013 for wii u), the wii u is kind of barren in comparison.

I understand that, but if those are, somewhat, considered as heavy hitters for the system, that's sad. That's all Im saying.

I don't really care about console war shit and I don't hate the wii u and have nothing against nintendo, but I really need to point this out. If that's a list of notable games for the wii u at this point (it came out in 2012), that's kind of sad.

what movie is the top picture from? Don't think I've watched that one yet

I Came here to post this. The twitch player is fucking awful, and its kind of unacceptable how long its been like this

The guests name is Dave Lang, CEO of Iron Galaxy (and human piece of garbage. I mean that in the most endearing way possible).

That sounds like a terrible ending to that story