Once again, people should watch this. This is who Phil is. Stop judging him by shit he said on twitter.
Once again, people should watch this. This is who Phil is. Stop judging him by shit he said on twitter.
Hey everyone, Phil Fish is a human being. All he did was win an award for Fez before it came out, defend himself against detractors, further defend himself from violent threats, have an opinion about AAA Japanese development (that is held by a lot of other industry folk, including Japanese developers themselves), get…
What is your issue with him?
he was quoting futurama dude.
So does anyone know what phil has been up to since the... incident? He has a lot of friends in the industry, so he couldnt have just fallen off of the face of the earth, right? Really hope Fez 2 makes a comeback at some point.
Sorry, but that's bullshit
Why do the investors keep saying 20 million when the guy was asking for 2 million. The one investor even said "if this was 5 million it would be much more tempting". HE WAS ASKING 2 MILLION
Audio in GT6 seems a lot better. When watching the video the GT6 audio gave me a really intense sense of speed that the other one was lacking. (note, this is coming from a person who doesnt play racing games, so I could be wrong)
okay dude
Im guessing the provided video is the whole show then?
In other news, gamers are people, and people are capable of heroic feats. Labeling this person as a 'gamer' in this situation is akin to saying "TV watcher saves cat from tall tree" or "person who likes to watch violent movies sometimes kills man".
Did you read what I wrote? I was disagreeing with that sentiment. Sorry if you didnt understand that.
Lol, this comment has so many racist undertones, it makes me cringe
Both of the people who won those awards did mocap and VO at the same time in a mocap studio/sound stage. So they were full on acting, except in a blank room with foam props and wearing a funny suit. Imagine how difficult it would be to completely take on a character while also having to completely imagine the setting…
They aren't even airing the whole thing on tv it seems, just recaps on the 9th, and not until midnight (last paragraph). Not exactly a big nationally televised event
isnt vgx not airing on television until after the weekend? I know it isnt being broadcast on tv the same time as online, which will be live
How could you say this looks too busy and then say give the property back to marvel, presumably to make it apart of the busiest media franchise in recent history, with a straight face?
The commenting system is pretty bad though. Mandatory google plus integration... nuff said.
The Last of Us. That game, and its nonstop bleakness, fucked with my for weeks. And the ending completely caught me off guard.
How many of those are people who installed it, never use it, and it automatically opens when the computer is first turned on (unaware that it defaults to that setting).