
Yeah, Im the same way, though I actually dont mind when that happens. The last of us' moral ambiguity fucked me up for a good week or so, and I was tense/anxious while playing it. It sucks that it happens, but another side of me is glad that I have a strong reaction to bad things. At least I know my morals are in check

dont even. In the scheme of things, IE sucks as much as it always has. If anyone is using that as their primary browser, they are a fool

This is not racist. It's another case of accidental insensitivity that is mislabeled as something worse than what it really is. Unless Katy Perry has a secret agenda to disparage Asian culture, I really doubt this was intentionally committed

Do you really think this is racist though? It screams to me as cultural unawareness or indirect insensitivity. I doubt this was intended to offend or disparage anyone.

One of the unsung features of the ps4 is that it has a 3.5 mm jack on the controller that pushes out all game audio. It does so through bluetooth audio, and (apparently) the quality is amazing.

what about the sweet dancing game for vita they just announced?

2 of those are launch titles. The wii u was horrible for the first year, and only recently had an influx of new games. Also, that list of games is from the past 2 years, which is a bit sad to me (cause that's, basically, everything of any note).

except no one cares about the wii or being able to play wii games

Random vagueness is super cool. Hopefully you guys arent inferring something about me. Cause you'd be incorrect. Really incorrect. Cause I dont care either way

Is that it or do you have something else to say?

This is outstanding

Spring Break Forever, Bitches

Spring Break Forever, Bitches

To me, this seems like a random pairing. antonio banderas works with sony because of how theyve been surprising everyone, consistently, with how strong they are coming into this gen (consistant with his expression in that one gif). This comes off as blind fanboyism. Maybe it's just me

It seems like every popular videogame youtuber is always acting QUIRKY and WACKY for no reason other than... I dont know, is their a reason? Oh, to get hits? Hmmm...



The TV and snap stuff, in its current form, is bad.