Im not going by who works at the companies, I'm going by track record.
Im not going by who works at the companies, I'm going by track record.
I know Microsoft makes peripherals and are fine at it (Logitech is better). When I say hardware I mean things a bit more complicated than input devices. TV's, computers, music players, movie players, cameras, phones. Sony's bread and butter is the design and manufacturing of hardware. It isn't for Microsoft
Sorry if I take what people say literally. And sure, they probably hired great people. Im not completely damning the Xbox One or the people working on it, it's probably great. Just saying that powerbricks in this day and age just kind of suck, and they (most likely) could have designed it more efficiently to include…
Yeah, I'd play another game in that universe. I'd be weary if it was rooted in the Shepard storyline too heavily though. I think enough has been done with that.
I mean, MS has a mixed track record for software as well. Attach rate doesnt equal quality.
'Best in the world' is a subjective statement. Sony has a better and longer track record for designing and producing hardware, so I'll naturally think more positively of sony when it comes to them vs a company known, mostly, for software, who only dabbles in creating hardware.
umm, the xbox 360 had a power brick and had massive heating issues. Every sony console (besides the ps1?) have not, and have never had major issues (average percentage for hardware failure that affects all devices). Early tests show the ps4 is running cooler than the original ps3 did. If something like that happened…
Sony is a hardware company; they've got hardware design locked down (unless they aren't playing it safe). Microsoft has done what, the zune and xbox? Hardly a fair comparison, but it still sucks for gamers. That big of a brick with that big of a console is just inconvenient and lazy on their part
the xbox one is also bigger than the original xbox 360 (at least from what I can tell, dont hold me to that)
I get the joke, and I've used floppy disks before. I honestly couldnt even tell the picture had a floppy disk in it until clicking on the article, because the photo was so small.
Way to straight up lie in the headline. What could be the purpose of doing that besides something completely malicious in nature? I really don't get it...
Cuttin them corners!
Cool, a 100 dollar remote and QR scanner. SOLD!
LeapPad Ultra = Wii U
SORRY Phil, I never even considered that when the baseball season started would matter so much to the game. Honestly, doesn't even really matter that much? Probably not in the grand scheme of things
It may come as a shock to you, but I can express my opinion in a vague, possibly dickish, probably bullshit comment on a video gaming website in any way I dang well please. And you can express your frustration with my opinion using your own opinion, in comment form, and undermine mine in the process. And that would be…
I dont think so, but I cant really figure out how to tell. If I did it was an accident.
That makes sense then. Did I also mention I don't follow sports? Probably should have mentioned that...