I KNOW I KNOW, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN (I don't mean all of gamers. When I said "you" I was talking to the people who give him terrible shit on a daily basis).
I KNOW I KNOW, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN (I don't mean all of gamers. When I said "you" I was talking to the people who give him terrible shit on a daily basis).
He said modern japanese games suck. SOOOO RACIST. Fez is, basically, a love letter to old school japanese games. Someone saying he's racist just doesn't make sense.
I guess being outspoken makes you an asshole.
Yeah, Im SOOOO brittle about it. I complained in the comment section of kotaku, it's not like I'm shaking my fists at the sky, seething about it.
Wow, you're reading inbetween the lines a bit much. I dont crutch my entire existance on video games, they just mean a whole heck of a lot to me as an art form. I guess people aren't allowed to be passionate about anything without being a no life.
I can make fun of gaming; it's down right idiotic most of the time (especially gaming communities....)
I honestly dont know what you mean when you say "justifying me". And, as I said, games aren't a hobby for me. it's fine if it is for you, but games mean much more to me than that
I thought comedians were supposed to be funny? It's cool, he's playing to a dumb audience, but for me you better be clever if you're going to make fun of something. Not just games
Why are you even here if you weren't offended by that? Games aren't a toy/hobby for some people; they are personally meaningful. I don't play games for realism, I play them to experience things that are completely unimaginanable in this world. Using sports games as his bases for all of gaming is ignorant and is an…
This guy doesnt get video games if he's basing his opinion on the kinect and sports games.
I know. My wording is a little weird, but it's too late to change it now. But trust me, I know
Yup, fixed it... Lol
Thank you for the heads up, I definitely meant year. Fixed it now
Actually, they announced online play is 50 dollars a year, same as playstation plus is right now
That's a really cool feature
I still buy physical from time to time, but if I can get it cheaper digitally I will. I'm just glad I grew up with physical media, because nothing beats going to a game store after school to pick up the latest game and playing it all night. Going on your system and buying the game digitally is such a stale…
That's straight up 80's tim burton shit right there (before he became a hack who can only do remakes/adaptations... BEETLE JUICE 4LIFE)
I bet you a $9.99 steam game it won't go on sale for less than 30 dollars during the holiday sale.
What a gentleman
Cant believe kentucky route zero didnt get voted for the community sale. If Im not mistaken, that was the only chance (so far) of it going on sale for less than 18 bucks