
his ideas are revolting, he’s a bigot and a demagogue and a charlatan and a grotesque grandstanding opportunist and all that, he reduces Christianity to a deodorizing spray for rank ignorance and entitled stupidity, and so on

I’m relieved he has no chance of getting turned around in the Mixing Bowl and ending up on 395 to the Pentagon.

So... guilty until proven innocent, but still guilty?

Will she be prosecuted for making up the story? This woman is the worst woman.

I know we (and when i say we I mean the enlighted Gawker Media readers) like to ridicule the “MRAs” and “fedora-wearing misogynists” who cry about the fake rape allegation epidemic, which is a completely legit thing to do simply bc there is no epidemic of fake rape allegations sweeping the nation. BUT...we’d be very

Stories like this continue to be the reason why legitimate cases are viewed with high levels of skepticism and makes life miserable for real victims. I, personally, feel bad for Bromley. Even when the charges are dropped he has been accused of and investigated for rape. That doesn't go away. Also, this women is an

I was in Vegas some year back and this out of my league gal chatted me up near the Cosmo escalators. Finally, I thought, my Ted Baker shirt is paying dividends. After about ten minutes of telling me how cute I was, she dropped the, “it’s $500 to party”.

If this is true, she’s an evil asshole. Not just for putting him through this, but making it all the more easy to dismiss future accusations for a lot of people.

I live next door to a bagpipe player :(

My wife and I have a family motto we both follow and I believe it also applies strongly to relationships:

So is the kinkajou the troll or the Death Stallion in this picture?


“That’s not a claw. This! This is a claw.”

Man, you live 99 years and die like that? So sad. I say this because I’d have died on the spot! Look at the tail on that thing! I’d have shit twice and died.

Agreed, and the wild pet trade is absolutely brutal for most animals. It causes a lot of environmental/population devastation, in addition to the suffering of the individual animals. And this potentially goes for all exotic/non-domesticated pets—birds, reptiles, fish, mammals, etc. It varies quite a bit depending on

Exactly. Don’t we have enough problems with people being unable to control dogs and other normal pets? Do we really need assholes keeping wild animals as pets and letting those escape?

“You know, that wolfy thing looks cute, but we should never invite it into our hut.” Where’s your sense of adventure and domestication? Lost with our knowledge of flintknapping, apparently. Kids these days.

This is where Donald Trump came from.

South Florida has all kinds of weird shit running around because people buy exotic pets and when they find out they are a bitch/expensive to take care of they just turn them loose on a golf course.