
Janeway One Episode: Tuvok you're my best friend.
Janeway the next episode: Chakotay you're my best friend.

As someone who watched TNG, DS9, Voyager, & Enterprise back to back for the first time recently I will say that I don't hate Voyager. I doubt I'm ever going to rewatch Enterprise or TNG, but I'd probably rewatch Voyager, but I still like DS9 more by a big margin. Voyager never felt like as much of a chore to get

I think Ensign Ro probably got got more interesting character development than Troi & Crusher.

I'm pretty sure everyone in the history of Star Trek got more screen time and character development than Travis(black officer). He got one episode early on where he got to see his family and I'm pretty sure that was the first and last time he got more than 2 lines in an episode.

Even though I don't hate Voyager like a lot of people and consider it my 3rd favorite Star Trek show, I was recently re-watching a Nickelodeon show called Space Cases, where a bunch of kids(led by Walter Jones the Black Power Ranger) get lost in space. Something I like about Space cases is that they didn't drop the

No Star Trek series gave up on a character like Enterprise did with Travis and no Star Trek series pushed their 2nd officer to the side as much as Voyager.

Agreed. DS9 developed their recurring characters more than most Star Trek shows developed character that were in their opening title sequence.

*Possible Spoilers for All Star Trek series*

Damn it Kickstarter, where were you in the 90s when PBS & Ghostwriter needed your funding for a 4th season?

I feel like if I had never watched and fell in love with Happy Endings and Casey Wilson I'd have zero interest in watching Marry Me judging from the trailer. I'm going to watch it solely because of my Happy Endings loyalty, but I have a feeling I'm not going to be a big fan of it.

I avoided Bitch 23 until the 2nd season because it seemed like ABC were burning off Happy Endings episodes to make room for it and I resented the show for it. Once I started watching it I liked it but the episodes being out of order made it confusing. Happy Endings aired stuff out of order but it was nothing compared

I specifically avoided everything new on ABC after Happy Endings got cancelled(w/ the exception of SHIELD because I like Marvel) because I was just bitter about it being cancelled. I actually think I avoided everything new on FOX & NBC as well. I avoided CBS too but that's normal, I think the only show I've ever