
“Paths will cross..” i want to read into it and assume it means there is a crossover game planned in his future...

I got stuck in a few, BlazBlu definitely got me. there is a another observation worth noting about these types of games:

The more disposable income you have, the less time you likely have. And the more willing you are to spend money to not waste time on some of the grindier mechanics. This was my downfall...

I wonder what would happen if Jason reported on an early release?

If there’s anything I have learned during these past few difficult and troubled years, it’s that even when people agree, in theory, they actually disagree. There is always some little nuance to pick at and fight over.

I guess the fix to break the barrier was to call it “Krossplay” instead of “crossplay”

I know, this really had me on my couch full on LOL. Smart ass writing.

Thanks for watching, I was a video editor on that series. Its always great to see all the love it gets!

if this was a mythbusters episode the final verdict would be “Plausible”

I’d like to see a top tier EVO fighter playing MK11 on this thing.

I used to find Nardwuar annoying, but then I realized he is genius. I love this blurb:

It says “Honk, behold the nightmare goose”

The fully costumed officers are detectives. Rank and file officers can only wear the yellow face masks.

They just wanted an excuse to revive the longcat meme!

click through the cited links:

WOW, an entire year. I want to know what kind of handshaking was done to secure this.

I think the best and worst timelines collided. Such as this headline recently in the news: Navy Confirms UFO Videos Posted by Blink 182 Rocker Are Real and Should Not Have Been Released

This has happened to me before. We ended up just talking on the phone while i went grocery shopping.

Death is the only thing that guarantees that we will all one day be equal.

Would not want to be on that jury.