
Impossible to overstate the value of research, and it isn’t hard to do. For example, Ferrari forums have checklists of issues to look for with each model and how to price in the update/repair/workaround. These aren’t dirt cheap cars but they are highly depreciated. Owning one can be hugely enjoyable, but buying one

Hey, sorry to be that guy, but it’s not unprecedented to run real estate entities through Chapter 11 when things go south. Trump’s a dick and no one I know likes working with him, but the Bankruptcy Code is there for a reason. And the idea of Trump with a Chapter 13 plan is LOL-worthy.

Love the photo of the “emotional post-split vacation presented by Diet Coke.” No way it was taken from any great distance. The background is in sharp focus so a long lens is unlikely. Photographer was probably 10-15 feet away. But the pic was completely candid!

Much Adu about nothing (I know, I know)

Gen 4 Lincoln Continental (4-door convertible! Suicide doors!) was followed by utter dreck that couldn’t have been more 70s if it tried:

Do you heel and toe when you shift it?

My own experience with PE was more mixed. A distributor of ours was acquired by a PE fund, which provided needed capital for expansion in their core business. On the other hand, the fund declined to provide capital for development of an innovative application because that would have been a “VC” type investment that

So when I saw it take off I was hoping that it would just stay vertical and keep going into a hammerhead. Still, not bad.

OK, it's obviously no kind of minimalist, but Tom Brady's bathrooms probably total 4,500 sf. And $800,000 buys a studio in any decent Manhattan neighborhood.

He can tell his lawyer, and she can tell the cops/prosecutors. Preferably as part of a plea deal.

Guess you don't flare much in an RJ.

Love the video, and your avatar, too!

The real trick of parenting is to make lying less necessary. Which means you have to be incredibly involved and engaged in setting your child up, so that their lies to you won't be the primo ones but rather just the little ones that aren't too harmful anyway.

When did Britain become the Florida of Europe?

Apparently it is, or at least at one time was, possible to import cars for use solely for racing. Obviously a substantial drawback for people who actually want to drive their cars, but still.

I think the dark blue is new for the 2014 MY because suddenly you see blue Benzes everywhere.

Don't know what the colors were called, but the 280 SE cabriolets often came in some beautiful browns

We did it, and getting it right was expensive. Baby nurses, flying family in from out of town, then live in nannies. No choice since we couldn't get enough time off (or quit working).

I'm sure you know that those are minority views, even among conservatives. Still, comments like those are monumentally crass, stupid and shameful, and deserve all the derision they get. Asshats.