ronan pellen

Depends of the etymology actually, if it's Latin yes, but Thimotée is of Greek etymology.

FYI 'Year Zero' doesn't exist in CE, prolly because they were still using the Roman numerical system…

"The two weeks after July 21,1998, for example, feature (…) a Fear Factory record", you mean the quite a bit prophetic Obsolete:
"These weapons of mass destruction
Around our world, threat to us all!
Operated by fears, cold over years
Systematic death, terminal breath!

Depeche Mode's Ultra, Rammstein' Sehnsucht…

Besides I just watched a vid on CNN and the 'expert guy' was saying the same, no big secret right here…

Artillery range, even!

Less than Mao tho


But enough about Mel Gibson…

Pierrot Le Fou probably… but she's not in it, so Jules Et Jim if you wanna see her in her most iconic role

Not to mention George Peppard…

And yes, we can enjoy Hitler's paintings, Charles Manson' songs, R.Kelly… even the Cosby Show if we lack a brain! What are you, the thought police?

And so what? She's succeeded in achieving an artistic vision, there's noone like her right now, she's a legend in the making, deal with it if you can… or don't, who cares? That's history happening right now in front of you, you're just to blind to see it!

Not my point, you say she said it on HuffPo and yet you keep pointing to a Time article, so why should we believe you? Besides even if she said it, what was the context? Maybe she was being sarcastic, trolling fucktards like you… I mean, how does that even work, hiring a bunch of suits to 'invent her a nom de scène?

a) it's an article that ascribed her that quote without referencing where it originates from, so not precisely 'directly from her', and I've googled said quote and found nothing but that (loaded) article!

She didn't take it seriously either, hence her 'I do a lot of shit' quote… and in an interview to a French magazine she clearly stated she did it as a joke, only relaying a news about witches of the world congregating to put a hex on Trump, because she thought it was funny (and welcome too, in a fun way)!

BTD got even less…

That's not what she said…


'Across the world', as in, New York, Washington, Chicago and London?