ronan pellen

Don't sax me pleaze!!

And in American Psycho in 89, as the role-model for the psycho-killer!

I doubt Fallon had any say in the matter anyway, the big shots at NBC (including L.Michaels who produces the show) wanted the big ratings no matter what… And if you watxhed both shows, it was pretty clear who Fallon personally favoured to be the next POTUS (hint: not the guest he childlishly tousled the hair with a

*tenure but don't change it now, the rest of the comments would make zero sax!

No, that one was Fallon actually, hence why most people are mad at him here…

That would be both of them, and Colbert too!!!

And then he invited Hillary a few days later, your point?

There can be two outliers…

Yep that's just how we used to call kidney stones way back when (now it's 'calculs rénaux')…

Not only they can, they have usually very large family!


Ok this thread isn't about 'islamophobia' whatever that means, it's about BM and this particular subthread is about whether BM is a racist or not, thanks for your worthless input!

This whole newswire is about Bill Maher, just so you know, so you enter the conversation by a non sequitur about your hypothetical thin line between islamophobia and racism which somehow has nothing to do with Bill Maher, then accuse me of answering by non sequiturs when I'm asking you how what you are saying relate


Well first of you could have pointed the exact place where Maher is guilty of islamophobia, so I knew exactly what you're talking about…

THIS GUY IS THE WORST (615 comments and counting, just as for each newswire about this guy…)

You said stg about islamophobia, like it's a bad thing or stg… then I retorted that criticizing Islam is part of freedom of speech or stg… so maybe you're retarded or stg…

So Islam is beyond freedom of speech, just like the n'word for non-black people (whatever that means)?

The guy who got fired for calling the 9/11 attackers 'not coward' unlike 'coward' Americans attacking with long-distant missiles is a racist how???

Are you assuming ALL Arabs and Persians are Muslims? Because that's not the case, and borderline racist to assume it were…