ronan pellen

Good times, indeed!

Yeh, since there's just one acting dwarf in Hollywood and all that…

Amstrad CPC FTW!!!

And so is your heart!

Uhhh, it says "Texas 2020" right at the beginning, so that's what shall be actually!

Well, (il)legally speaking, they can be two things…

And Vin Diesel.

Apparently he currently does both things…

When you make reference to an opposite-sex partner, you don't say 'yes, I'm hetero', kinda self-obvious isn't it?


Top Gun 2: That's Not A Gun In My Pocket, Buddy

In the Indian Ocean actually, but yes he made light of the situation by comparing migrants to fish basically. It is hard to translate in English because in French we use the partive article that refers to inanimate objects that he used for those people, thus implying they're not worth more than dead fish and had a

They could just use the perfectly cromulent 'ninja' instead…

Xena was an antagonist on the show Hercules at first, so I doubt she was modeled on WW

Homophobic much tho?

None of us crackers, u mean?

Me neither btw

SOAD tho

Brown people amirite???