ronan pellen

But were you Post-Punk before it was cool?

'bomber the Unamember?


OK, than!

Actually the sense would be slightly different tho…


Sorry about that bout how do you know it was a 'homeless person'? To make a 'massive' shit you need to be well fed, for once…

Your sentence was pretty hard to understand w/ 'then' tbh, than again English is not my first language…

And what about dark matter/energy?


And life has a probability of zero: check-math!

'I don't think I've ever come across a show who's place in the cultural zeitgeist expired quite as quickly as Sex And The City.' Ally McBeal even quicker!

And what makes her an idiot exactly? She lives in a luxury bubble and caters for the 1%, lulz, wut a moron!

There's no 's' at 'Lyon' anyway (hope that helps)

Idk, she's kind of successful in her life

Trump's own son-in-law is Jewish, so that doesn't seem to be a concern anymore…

Ennui (we French LOVE it!!!)

You forgot Friends, somehow, even if they prolly were the most fuckable…

*Sean Hannity

*was, and not that big either, just casual, as in she said she had heard things and had her doubts or stg!