ronan pellen

Wow, who knew 'Guy Incognito' is really A.A. Dowd!!!

At least Hillary was supposed to be, or so I heard…

Walmart knows what's what, at least!

No wonder she gets mad about it…

Correct, but how do u know?

Better than Jabba?

Saw it in theater, it's neither great nor unwatchable, just meh (but there's a scene where James Mardsen boffs Kirsten Durst, which is the main reason I went to see it, tbh).

Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski.

Why not Hillary? Her slogan would be easy: 'Third time a charm!'

*οὐ φροντὶς (literally: no care)

I had heard the owner saying on the radio that they weren't welcome, so they must have been informed, maybe Jesse thought if I show up they'll have to let me in, but was informed yet again they wouldn't.

Editing plays a role in story-telling too, you know…

Is it you, Donald?

More like 'Hollyweird', 'rite?

Wow, you finally managed to got the sore loser "serial-killer-turned-lumberjack" mouth shut down, impressive!

If I pull a gun on your head, you'll let me do whatever I want to you, too. That implies consent?

$u$pense is killing me…

What about the part where he just said "grab'em by the pu$$y": ambiguous or not? You decide!