ronan pellen

Also the part where he says "grab'em by the pu$$y", somehow…

Fun fact: the email just before my confirmation email for you was from GJ Campaign, "15 reasons why a vote for Gov. GJ matters"!!!

I know, but they did an English version the lyrics of which you can read a the link!

Children meat especially.


tl;dr (also: too lame, prolly…)

Name/comment synergy!

So "Fallon legitimized Trump to his audience", but you "used to watch Fallon's show several times a week" and somehow he failed to legitimize Trump to you specifically?

The Rock?

Frank Stallone.


Weirdest boner of the week, at least!

30 Rock tho

That's what happened to Clueless already!

Prolly just wanted to milk the debate things…

"What's not to love" is that they clearly ran out of money to finish their movie: first hour is masterly, last fifteen minutes (yep) not so much…

Darwin was still a Christian when he wrote The Origin Of Species, based by his own admission on the works of Reverend Malthus!

Off our Meds are We?