ronan pellen

Or was it?

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

Except if said leaker called the NYT and asked, "So, 2600 Magazine would gimme $10k, what's your offer?"

Yes, I used to watch every episode not so long ago… but then a couple years ago when they hired 5 white dudes and 1 white chick, I was like???

Wait a minute, why can't SNL plan ahead exactly? They're not exactly reputed for their timeliness , quite the opposite actually.

And they mostly suck at it: tough luck I guess!

Yeah it's a job you could say.

Except they have like 50 writers (including cast members) to do so…

Captain Obviously Not Giving Any Fucks to the rescue!


Yeah well that cost me dearly too, because I was about to make a 'Coheed and Cambria' pun when I realised that I should google 'cohered' first…

*French actually ;)


Past participle of "to tire" used as…

Not really, she was already fired then rehired at her demand in 1990, because of her first Breeders album…

Past participles are used as adjective all the time: I mean, have you never been tired? And "cohered" means "united" (from the verb "to unite"), not "coherent"…

"Purchase Head Carrier here, which helps support The A.V. Club." Thanks but you just gave it a negative review, so…

Fairy dust sure ain't cheap these days…

past tense: cohered; past participle: cohered
form a unified whole.
"he made the series of fictions cohere into a convincing sequence"
synonyms:stick together, hold together, be united, bind, cling, fuse, form a whole
"I wondered how this family had cohered in the past"
(of an argument or