ronan pellen

She got over it apparently, so maybe you could as well…

She calls him a 'bully' even, in a subsequent tweet…

noun: genital; plural noun: genitals
a person's or animal's external organs of reproduction.
synonyms:private parts, genitalia, sexual organs, reproductive organs, pudenda, nether regions, crotch, groin; informal privates, bits, naughty bits, dangly bits; humorous lady parts


U guessed it…

And still is…

Watson with that?

Yeah, it's just that the phrasing should be "I would do anything for love, SO I won't do that [thing(s) that are AGAINST love]": problem solved!

Saw it in theater at 7 and I had a blast! (Then again I also saw Terminator a few months later, having just turned 8 by then, and I had a blast too, so YMMV…)

They were BS'ing you: of course they know about how their own country came to be (Greece never was its own country until its independence from the Ottoman empire), they just bear a very strong jingoist anti-Turk sentiment ever since!

He still banged her…

Had it w/ his M-60, along w/ 'Flame-Thrower Rambo': thanks for the flame-throwing-thingy, kiddie cartoon!

'Rambo, this is not your fault' no, wait…

Yeah but my point is that they're pretty similar, aren't they?

Cameron kinda re-used that script for Aliens, methinks…

Not "overreading", just reading, but whatev'

Pretty sure Commando and Rambo were NOT "ostensibly for a kids audience" tho

"If you go, I will surely die!"

Oh, it's one of those "My comment still stands." people. It doesn't, by the way, since you pretended "this [wa]s the ONE bizarre instance where it goes to the FBI" when there's an actual reason for it, and seemed to ignore the ongoing "whatever state has primary jurisdiction over the family" investigation already