ronan pellen

If only…

U sure don't wanna know, just take my word for it!

She sure needs it these days…

Easy one: Berlin, "Take My Breath Away", only song w/ a songwriter external to the band, biggest hit thanks to Top Gun!


How about no Enslaved?

So no review of the new PiL album on AVClub???

Nailed it!!! Oops, sorry…

Stay classy Meat Industry

There's still some degree of solace to be taken in knowing that a-holes like you are more prone to Alzheimer simply by being a-holes (and cancer, because red meat)…

Dunno, I do enjoy Korn and Lana Del Rey for instance (among other things), and I feel like I'm taken more seriously on the LDR side on this site (albeit by a narrow margin, admittedly)…

"I see Russia from my house" was an exaggeration, but there was one of Palin's most confused response to Katie Couric interview that was quoted near verbatim with an exaggerated Couric reaction for comic effect.

Why do you hate him?

Also Deftones was scheduled to play tonight, tomorrow and Monday at the Bataclan, all 3 dates sold out…

Not U2, too much police protection, but could've been Deftones tonight at the Bataclan!

In related news, Deftones was supposed to play at the Bataclan 3 days in a row starting tonight: not happening either!