ronan pellen

OD, Tay-Tay, CR Jespen, heck even Justin Bieber's 'Believe' got B- on this site: please, by all means, keep on hatin' Korn and Lana Del Rey, I feel SO vindicated right now!!!

FYI, "one of the most outlandish comments under the Trump SNL review" was based on comments made under the "negative review" incriminated (and if you don't think "The AV Club is biased", you, dear sir, are quite the moron); ".Senator_Corleone • I guess this rating means that the AV Club is part of the same Illuminati

"Unmoderated comments from idiots on the internet mean nothing." So your own comments mean nothing either, right?

But she's hawt…

But her surname is "Maréchal-Le Pen"…

They're both besties with Putin tho…

"Negative/unfavorable" of course, it's a given for this site (who gave Justin Bieber's 'Believe' a B-…), I was discussing the F specifically. #subtlety

Yeh, f*kc that guy, reely… Also f*kc HR Giger who designed their mic, f*kc Todd McFarlane who designed the cover artwork for 'Follow the leader', f*kc Trey Parker who invited them on South Park, f*kc Robert Smith and Simon Gallup of The Cure who were on their MTV Unplugged, etc.

So would have a Lana Del Rey review, but they still didn't bother…

If they go off the movie, that could be 'Lost' in the mountains…

Maybe she had just read and/or watched Lolita?

Taylor Swift?

Because that's not the correct answer, Sir: it's in your heaaaaaaaaaad, in your heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad…

Who said it proves something? Just that I'm not the only one to think what I think! "Unmoderated comments from idiots on the internet mean nothing." Well, yes, they mean something, they're opinions just like yours or those of the reviewers.

Senator_Corleone • I guess this rating means that the AV Club is part of the same Illuminati cult as Obama.

"plenty of "competent" artists who were trying have gotten Fs in the past" sounds like BS and you really getting desperate, dude! For the comments, I'm gonna find some others if it's that important to you…

Because a D is not an F, duh! And I agree about the D for the "Untitled" btw, that album sucked badly, but didn't deserve a F either, because, you know, like it or not Korn are competent musicians, and you don't give F to competent musicians, but to people who aren't even trying… Not sure if you have read the quoted

Of all the Korn albums that's the only one that got a "F": coincidence or Illuminati? You decide… (And the analogy with this SNL review comes from the fact that the reviewer refuses to acknowledge the "F" is politically motivated either, thanks for your attention!)

Who completely agrees this was one of the worst SNL in history, no less? Couldn't find any…