ronan pellen

OK, my bad, after further research, and despite many others misremembering it, it was given a -12.

Dey Turk Er Jerbz?

Get A Life, Internet!

Well they must have revised their classification, since they say Basic Instinct was -12 when I remember very clearly it was -16 since I and my pal were 15 and had to lie about our age, I even clearly remember girls in our school who couldn't believe we were admitted in the theater, but they may have changed the

I'm French and you're wrong on both counts: you had to be 16 to see Showgirls in theaters, and no, breastfeeding is not considered "distasteful" and "abnormal", it's just not very popular and women don't breastfeed long enough compared to other countries, but most still practice breastfeeding the first months.

Or is it?

Me too: Jennifer Carpenter!

Dammit, you're on topic again!



OK, I'm gonna upvote myself like u do, then.





English is roughly half mispronunced French, just sayin'

U're just to(o) obtuse for that anyh(o)ow…

That's what I'm talking about…

Go read a book and come back later!

The whole point is that the "t" is silent, so that "Voldemort" is pronunced "Voldemor", period!