
From my understanding it’s when you say “it’s over” that you’re in greater danger, at least for the time being. I mean, usually it’s better in the end to get out of an abusive relationship, but part of the whole reason some people stay in one is the fear of what will happen if they end it.

It’s a double-edged sword to praise someone for being “dignified” and “mature” in the face of vile racist abuse. We should unconditionally defend everyone who finds some way, their own difficult and courageous way, to confront or deal with racist people. I’m sure the dad was much angrier than he came across and chose

To the Senate:

How do online gamers even believe this, when it’s day when they play, while for other people they game with, it’s night?

Honestly I’d think a suit against Activision/Blizzard for inaction about sexual harassment would be more legitimizing. I initially read “Call of Duty maker” as being that this was a suit for failing to moderate CoD chats.

What’s surprising to me is that Stadia exists! I haven’t heard the name before. One would think that GOOGLE of all companies would find a way to promote it!

It must be economy of scale, yes? You design systems/gameplay experiences, engines to run what you’re doing, etc., it is marginally less expensive to build on top of that, than to put in overhead for a 2nd game.

Now let’s hastily jump at conclusions here. The only thing known for SURE is that the cops took 4 hours to arrive. Even had witnesses wanted to cooperate, the POLICE communicated that little would come from an investigation. What there IS evidence of is that the police’s own policy here is obstructing justice for the

Thank you!

Just a correction: The name Moonlight Sonata” was given to it by reviewers after Beethoven’s death. He didn’t come up with it.

“Activision Blizzard Board of Directors Continues to Build Upon Its Ongoing Oversight With New Workplace Responsibility Committee” to Ensure Implementation of Initiatives to Eliminate Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace

And that the correct term is first PERSON shooter games. Sounds like it was written by a lawyer who only has a passing familiarity with them.

Other countries must look at the U.S.’s anti-vaxxers, in a country with a plentiful supply of vaccines, with astonishment and contempt.

You know they done f***ed up when DFEH thinks it’s egregious enough to file its own complaint

If the rules for this particular “game” or “race,” if you will,” were already set and known to all, then they shouldn’t have been changed after the fact. Imagine changing the criteria for Ice Skating when someone scores low in a certain category and decides AFTER they lose that the category is too heavily weighted.

Aaaand you have unwittingly shown why it takes courage to be open about these things. Not ‘soft’ at all.

I thought Kotaku would be supporting the Prime Day strike. Disappointed. 

I thought Kotaku would be supporting the Prime Day strike. Disappointed. 

Hmm, pizza reviewers in NEW YORK. I think that is special subset of pizza enthusiasts... ;)

Gamestop employees should start saying they will strike on that day. That might convince management to close on that day.