
I find your comment to be highly entertaining. But seriously, while I do "Instagram" some pics it can be a highly annoying "tool".


Also look at what is happening at Sears. While they might be a "faceless corporate entity" real people are going to lose jobs. There might be many people who hate shopping at these conglomerates because the CEO makes 15 million a year and is a part of the 1% but whenever any store closes real people who are struggling

Oh my God. The back and forth between supporters and skeptics was hilarious to read.

seriously. I would be like "Fuck you dude, you don't own the beach. I believe I'll be walking through now. Good day" if he or his associates gave me guff if I was walking by.

I am in 100% agreement with your comment. Good point sir.

Exactly. Obama stole his speech pattern from preachers and it worked for him.

Fine. Coming from a former fat ass who lost over 130 lbs. I will tell you what I did to over come the "boogeyman" that had made me fat. Ready? I counted my calories and exercised every day for 10 months and the weight "magically" came off. Does that work for you?

Also Rdio's app allows offline synching. Helps when the iPhone (on AT&T) has crap service or if I go to the beach or in the hills I can still listen o the music I've synced on my phone.

I believe he and The Hamburglar were married by Mayor McCheese in a same sex marriage ceremony.

You sir are Bold!

LoL. I was thinking the same thing. Knob Creek would qualify as "cheap" whiskey in my book.

So you're saying Mega Upload was kind of like a Dry clean business that also happens to launder drug money from the cartels? Right? I mean the Dry Cleaners do provide a legal service and have a legitimate purpose to some but are still active participants in an illegal enterprise. So if the DEA raids said Dry Cleaners

You had me at "Irregardless" :)

It's obvious that the headphones use Ayo technology!!

I don't know about that. Diaz usually rips his trolls and has banned a bunch lately. I think it just depends if the author is on his period or not.

There was an article on here yesterday promoting the same deal. I was able to get in before the limit was reached I guess, now just gotta wait and see how they turn out.

That is no longer PC and you should be banned forever for even bringing it up.

A couple work but the link about the obsessive groomers links back to this very article.

This guy is also going to a "club fed" as you put it. Maybe he'll learn some tips from those guys.