
Yup. Also don't jail a guy who steals your credit Info and racks up charges on your credit card. The banks are paying for the charges so no one's getting hurt right? Just because there are, in your eyes, acts which are committed and go unpunished doesn't excuse what this guy did or mean he shouldnt be punished.

I think it's funny that during the last couple of elections I read over and over again about how these voting terminals were owned by a conservative dude & many intranets activists were warning of rigging elections in repubs favor. It now seems the shoe is on the other foot and conservatives are worried about rigging

There is a Gay/Lesbian genre and it's called Romantic Comedy.

Well at least the little douche got the attention he was craving. Or are people going to say that he just wears a gas mask and weighted "armor" looking vest so his body will have a more efficient workout?

Yes but I didn't think any Star Wars fan had a cylindrical appendage more than 3" long. But yes, too easy.

Right. The Fuji pic has the shadow cast from above the clouds and below the viewer's sight line.

That is an awesome pic, not trying to talk crap on your friends shot at all, but I think the reason the top pic is so amazing is that the shadow is being cast upwards from the sun like the batman symbol with a spotlight. I imagine it would be amazing to conquer Mt. Fuji.

I'm sorry but, in my opinion, no politician is immune to lobbyists its just a matter of if you agree with the lobbyists that fund said politician or not. Political parties are bullshit, in my opinion, and want nothing but power. Maybe on a grassroots level you might find a local politician who might not take lobbyist

Im sorry but really? I called you out on your false analogy and you have to remove the comment? Whatever its your site and you guys can do what you want but I think it shows the level of maturity by the "big kids". Have a nice day.

I believe that is the point. Not trying to be a complete asshole, although I probably am one. Nice aim by whomever aimed that thing at the group. I'm sure he or she will receive a commendation for that one.

I bet you're the Badass that threw that flash bang. Aren't you?

Exactly, like continue to throw rocks at police and destroy property while being properly ventilated.

How is this even somewhat related to the civil rights movement? Seems like a red herring to me. Is it your right and mine to be gainfully employed and live the easy life? You are guaranteed life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness, not guaranteed actual happiness. I also think that its funny that advice is given to

LoL to the headline. How many "journalists" have been killed so far during the "Occupy" saga? 0, but I get it. It is funny that now the professional protestors have turned their "anger and rage" against the banks or was it just the top 1% or just rich men in power in general? Look what happened after the BP oil spill,


And you probably busted your ass earning that money so you have every right to spend it however the fuck you want.

Hating that you cant put Newsstand into a folder. Very annoying. Also I agree with another post I read & really dont want to create an @me email account to go along with my apple ID email account already synched to the iCloud. Do like the fact you can now create and differentiate photo albums.

Sexy Time!

LOL. Seriously. Gotta work in a bit. Hope this thing finishes soon.

Seriously, was like 80% done DLing it like 10 minutes ago and it hasnt moved since. Oh well The tech nerds will have to wait.