
@grimjack28: I disagree. The police can detain with very little evidence but to actually have the DA prosecute is another story altogether. I know this happened in England and he had originally pleaded guilty, but it is not a joke when it comes to airport security nowadays. The guy was joking but he was a Grade A

@CAPSLOCK44: I've said it before regarding "green" stories but consuming is becoming the new racism in this country and I don't like it. You can be green if you like and I do things to save electricity and recycle but there is a constant bombardment of "We are destroying the Earth" coming from the Eco-friendly crowd

Why should a company get the blame? If you don't want to add to the Eco-pollution then don't buy a new model every 6 months to a year. Which is the point that is trying to be made. Businesses make money for shareholders and make your life alot more convenient than it used to be. If you want to take yourself out of

@Habs: Because you're dancing your cares away.

@capt_weasle: Sure it's not necessary to make cars go over 70 or so, nor is it necessary to have 200+ channels, or to have an Internet connection of 100 mbps. We are humans and our intellect allows us to dream up and create luxuries which by definition are not necessary.

@Interstella5555: You could but it would be a world without humanity. Which will happen one day but how much fun would that be?

Not to speak on the scientific nature of the article but would you want someone to be able to read all of your thoughts? We all go to dark places at times and knowing someone else can "read" them would be mindfuck. No pun intended.

@holy holes batman: Sound like Shelly and Stan Marsh, except there would be a "turd" at the end.

They should sue the shit out of that chick.

@Yargnit: I was about to say the same thing. All the fetish porn out there makes me queasy even thinking about it.

@HeroOfTomorrow is lonely: How about they shove a handful of chips at the market down everybody's throat instead? No extra waste and there will be no way you can over eat.

I'd be ok with a 100 db bag but only if it's made purely of baby panda hide.

I sent the response "Sprocket" when trying to type "Alrighty" to my new boss. Probably thought I was was some kind of deviant until I sent my correction.

@BadUncle: AKA Facebook was whiter from its inception. Everyone I talk to always said Myspace became "Ghetto"

@NanorH: If he injected himself with about a ton of HGH.

@Eric Cartman: Got it. Good Song. And your name is very fitting how SP loves the Cure.

@blissfulight: I dont want to be argumentative here but almost 50% of Americans pay no Federal income tax. A consumption tax (VAT) might be the answer but only if federal income tax was dissolved (though too many IRS agents and CPA's would become unemployed) in my opinion.