
@blissfulight: You could have moved forward with the health care plan as was done (not single payer) and put tort reform into it (loser pays) so that Republicans couldnt yell how Obama and Co. were not doing anything to bring them into it. Whats so hard about that? Oh I forgot the trial lawyers association scared

@blissfulight: And that's why you need to be able to compromise. Not a fake compromise by dropping single pay health care but real compromise with all sides. When the President calls the other side the "enemies" of Latinos I think that is a bit inflammatory.

She must have been using this.

@Sturm: You nailed it good sir!

@ithyphallus, 13382: Well I think that in general the "Get out and vote" campaign is targeted towards younger people who are more likely to not vote. If they do vote, vote democratic. I won't post a link but I'm sure it's public knowledge that 20 somethings and teens vote much more left than older people.

@capozzijohn: I agree. As an unaffiliated voter I believe it is healthy to make each side compromise. All this "Republicans will ruin the country" fear mongering is ridiculous. They will have no way to override a veto and Obama will have to actually do some governing instead of having Pelosi and Reid do what they

On Sunday my alarm was set for 9:30 and boy was I pissed when it went off and said 8:30 on my phone. Talk about lame. Luckily I don't have many alarms on my phone I'll just set up a new one.

@Slinkytech: Didnt you hear? The recession is over!!!

@DeeJayQueue: Are you saying there will be no PuppyBowl this year? Shoot me now.

@adampdx09: Not to beat a dead horse but to even say "human life" is still a bit wrong. I'm sure there is a decent amount of human life in the darkness of that picture, they just don't have a dense enough of a population with access to electricity. It's a beautiful picture but the quote on the home page just rubbed me

@thetickler: They have those car "bras" that were big in the 90's for Miatas and the like.

Nice Idea but I think ill be too busy texting and watching my Netflix while driving to pay attention to this app.

@Philip Han: I think the problem is you didn't define who the words are coming from. I personally don't give two shits what some jerk off in the streets says. Some one can call me f@g, mother F'er, cock sucker it doesn't matter. I don't need the acceptance of a random moron to validate my existence. On the other hand

This is terrible. Being a young spry 20 something I have no problem stopping with 1 or 2 seconds of where I wanted to at 3 or 4 FF presses when this new "feature" hit it was the most annoying thing since Justin Bieber. If I want to stop at the end of a commercial break or to replay a funny line from South Park over

This is great. When there is shit on TV late at night I love to fire up the PS3 and stream something awesome and set it to turn off in 1 hour. The only thing is that some times the DVD spinning can get really annoying late at night. I know its no where near as loud as an Xbox or PC but the acoustic plus of no disc

I really hope the first paragraph of this article was completely tongue in cheek.

This photo was obviously taken inside a sound stage in Hollywood. The shadows are totally off.