
@Zubieta: I know that this is not an historical record but in watching "From the Earth to the Moon" mini-series by Tom Hanks it seemed that NASA pressured North American to use a lot of Velcro to save time and weight when they didn't want to because they knew that a pure Oxygen atmosphere would be trouble with

When I read the headline I thought that they had put a permanent light show on the clock and almost threw up on myself. After watching the video I have to say it was awesome but I am really glad it was a one time only occasion. On another topic relating to Prague, the fact that the large church (forget the name) in

@Ian Logsdon: I'm sorry but excusing your tone by pointing out others' is kind of a cop out. It seems like you are the smug one who has realized how bad humanity is for the world and want to enlighten the rest of the worker drones. They are either too stupid or lazy to come to the same conclusion as you. I know

@HK-47: No, they shouldn't. The last thing I want while disobeying their orders and nodding of to my iPod is some broad dancing around with lady gaga blasting over the loud speakers. Maybe if it was Justin Bieber.

This is the white man's response to the "Ghetto Blaster". Too bad it's 25 years too late.

@Bizdady: And if you are supporting kids it's going to be tough to afford the latest tech. This guy is a leech with no permanent connections or responsibility outside feeding himself everyday. I think your situation is the exact opposite of his.

@Ian Logsdon: Lol. More white guilt. Let me know when we finally have paid off the debts of our success.

@Bisnicks: Yah I saw a breakdown of how the batteries and body are produced and sent around the world and just laughed at how all of the I mean "environmentalists" are being conned into getting one.

@the.phoenix612: Nice pic but the scale is all wrong and makes it seem that the earth is encrusted with satellite garbage which isnt true. This isn't wall-e where there is a wall of garbage around Earth.

@Gary_7vn: Please don't remind me. Nov. 4th 2008 is a day that will live in infamy. Infamy I tell you!!

@james: Its great that we are becoming more efficient in energy use but the larger issue is population and food and water supplies. As you stated no one wants to talk about it but if Environmentalists really cared about "Mother Earth" they would not procreate therefore saving resources for the people and animals

@Izzo: I think playing a clip of Hate Man would be priceless.

@N@tedog: I still don't understand why a group of 50 or so wackos gets so much media attention. These are disgusting people but the fact that people on CNN and other news organizations waste one breath trying to understand their twisted motivation really depresses/angers me.

@DingoJunior: I think the issue is that the editors on the site do use inflammatory language in the articles when it comes to the environment and that does rile up people who have a different opinion. It happens when you state opinion as fact, you completely disregard a large portion of people who feel they are under

@djdare: Seriously. Every other day there is an article on here talking about how shitty humanity is. You would think Al Gore owned this website.

@JavaNut13: I'm sure he does make alot of money and if he does or doesn't care if people steal his stuff that's ok I guess. BUT when you don't pay for tons of songs people like writers, artists who aren't that famous or mega successful get screwed. Now people dont sell albums they sell singles and if an artist only

@deciBels: If anyone has seen "Wonders of the Solar System" they spend a good amount of time explaining why this is possible and put it in layman's terms. On a side note that series is awesome. Brian Cox's awe and wonderment about the solar system and life itself is great, even if he does dumb down some of the science.

Could this be tagged #awesome please?