
Dear idiot,

Today I learned The Root’s senior editor is a smearing pile of shit. Keep Bernie’s name out of your mouth when he wins the primary you goofy deformed fetus looking ass editor. You look like something God had trouble forming before he sent you down to earth. 

You’re a filthy casual and are the reason this game sucks.

Linkdeadx2 is the best smw player of all time.

Only your dumbass would notice these things tbh.

You’re a bitch Alex Cranz. TO ME.

You guys went hard on this show for no reason. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean the rest of the world won’t. Alex Cranz needs to get laid.

Are you going to post spoilers every week? If you are then please announce it so I can block Kotaku.

I didn't know kotaku was in the business of spoiling shit for everyone. Thanks asshole.

I would only use it to tell me wife to make me a sandwich.

So they’re getting paid for exposure, while Apple doesn’t collect a dime for 3 months? It goes both ways, pal. Granted she doesn’t need exposure, but if she’s standing up for these so-called smaller artists then her whole letter is bullshit. She’s even more hypocritical for not paying photographers their dues. Google

Relax guys, I just donated $175,000. You're welcome.