I fucking love that they tore this shit down Saddam Hussein-style. It’s a much more powerful message than if it was quietly removed in the middle of the night.
I fucking love that they tore this shit down Saddam Hussein-style. It’s a much more powerful message than if it was quietly removed in the middle of the night.
Lol white supremacy already functions in a “nuanced world” what in the fuck are you talking about
Because we don’t have statues of Joseph Goebbels in city parks. There is a continued, focused effort in America to gloss over, deny, and ignore that this country was built on mass murder and enslavement, which have lasting effects on the socio-economic status of millions of Americans.
When did your brain your brain stop working?
Ms. Anti-Entitlements/Black Lives Don’t Matter was a gainfully employed college graduate still on her parents’ insurance. The most special of snowflakes.
She was fired from the Post in 2009, and says the Daily News rejected her subsequent offer to write for them for free.
Oh I don’t know - she’s ninety-fucking-four! That’s BEYOND a good run by any possible measure. The fact that she still has a column at all, is sort of miraculous. How many working nonagenarians does anyone know?
I don’t know. I read that article this morning and was surprised at the number of comments about it being “sad.” IMO, just the fact that Smith is 94 years old and has enough mental acuity to be aware of her irrelevance automatically makes it not sad. What is unfortunate is that she only defines herself by what she…
All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter are both distraction and noise and detraction. Their line of argument is a disgrace and an insult to anybody’s intelligence, including my white lady intelligence.
If you were in deed genuinely curious, I doubt you would have ended your reply with, “lol,” but I’ll indulge you this once.
Lying. It’s lying. When people ignore the evidence, evidence like you’ve outlined in this story, and still maintain tightly held convictions to notions that covertly support their own racism, like All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter, they are lying. They think PoC deserve to be accosted, harmed, jailed, and even…
Horseshit. The defense of slavery was written into their Documents of Secession. Dumbasses like you who don’t bother reading the actual history have let racists sully the argument with the “not my daddy - he didn’t own no slaves” argument.
You are completely full of shit. 12 of 13 states mention slavery or the “inferiority of the black man” as the reason they left the union. that is the real reason those states tried top leave the union - not the BS you are spouting.
Even if all those people were producers, this is so utterly tone deaf as to be laughable if it wasn’t so disgusting. With the state of affairs in this nation, this is just gross. I won’t even get into how this will inevitably result in the dumbest voices growing ever louder than they already are under this sham of an…
Do yourself a favor and reread the articles of confederation and kindly walk into the sea with this “states’ rights” nonsense.
The same group that reviewed Jenner’s Pepsi commercial must have thought Confederate could be some type of homage.
Fuck this prospective show right in its racist, traitorous existence-hole
This is just...just a terrible idea. Alternative universes aside, this will be more kerosene to throw on the cross fire of unadulterated, queasy, tiny-chinned racism. I’m white, and I’ve lived all over the country. Right now I’m taking care of my parents in a small town in Alabama. Any klansman (yep, we got ‘em!) will…